Marqus Forrester wrote:What's the TN for the Fighting part of the Squire's joust?
Warryn Wydman wrote:Question around social norms. If I were to make some kind of party/gathering, would it be insulting to invite the Targeryens, or insulting not to invite them?
Wylla Terrick wrote:Is there a specific location to post gossip making in general? Not for any reason, of course!
Maester Oswell wrote:Are the wounded from the lists being tended anywhere specific?
If a healer type wanted to help out?
Martin Tremaine wrote:Is it possible to chose not to use the Shattering quality on weapons?
Can damage caused by Shattering be repaired?
(Shattering is the quality that reduced shield protection or armor when two or more degrees of success are scored).
Ser Reynard wrote:If a weapon has Vicious (a defeated enemy is always dead), is it inappropriate to use in a tournament? Or can we assume it's blunted for the tourney?
Edit: Unrelated question: Do you round up or down when calculating Attractive rolls from Persuasion 3? Rule text: "Whenever you roll a Persuasion test, you may re-roll a number of 1s equal to half your Persuasion rank (minimum one re-roll)."
Kaelyn Dunn wrote:Where are the horses during all of this? I'm *ASSUMING* there's a stable since many of us paid for it, but I also assumed that there was more than one place to eat and I was wrong. >__<
Ser Reynard wrote:Is the effect of Shattering weapons cumulative? So two hits (with sufficient degrees on each) with Shattering 2 could break a large shield (Defensive +4)?
Warryn Wydman wrote:Question around VP-s: Can the same goal be done multiple times for VP? Or can 1 goal only be done once?
Aka House Totesnotbandits can get someone with Thievery 3 for +1VP for their totally legitimate and non-shady goal. Can they get 3 people with Thievery 3 for 3 VP-s?
Warryn Wydman wrote:Thanks! Question on Inflience investments: Does child of heir count for succession? Like... Influence "holdings" are the first, second, child etc... specifically in Warryn's case, would we need to invest Influence for his son?
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