So a bit of a head's up on everything to do with your trusty pair of GM's!
This last week in particular IRL has kicked both Rahvin and I in the ass in several ways, many of which we're not willing to discuss but it's been difficult to focus on pretendy fun time here. But what I will tell yall is this:
Rahvin has had a migraine that is on it's 3rd day going strong. I had my allergies make me nearly incapacitated the other day. I considered going to the ER, i was so miserable.
We've had the power go off everyday the last 3 days for variable amounts of time.
My oldest started high school on tuesday and has an anxiety disorder so she needed additional support.
My middle kid's 9th birthday was yesterday. She has birthday parties both days this upcoming weekend that we're prepping for. She starts at a new school next Monday, and needs support for that transition.
The toddler has decided he's too cool for naps, which is when i used to get the bulk of my posts done.
We are not going on hiatus, we are going to work around our RL upsets and accommodate for them, this means day change will be sometime this weekend (again, we have birthday parties to plan around and children will be hopped up on SO MUCH CAKE omg save me now).
I'm very sorry that the game has lagged. We're doing our best with what is being thrown at us. We appreciate everyone's continued participation and understanding!