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On the Field of Glory [Combat Simulation]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:13 pm
by Ulrich Reyne
So, there seems to be a bit of confusion when it comes to the combat rules. I figured, since I've been reading the rules to maliciously copypaste them for my own purposes, I would give a example on how combat rules would go.

Let's get to it:

Step One: Determine Battlefield

Usually set by the GM during the start of battle, the Battlefield would allow for different pluses and minuses of the combat, factoring in the terrain, bystanders, and other things. While I am sure the GM will let you know what factors need to be allied for your particular area, you can find a complete list starting of page 160 of the Core Book. Destiny Points can be spent to manipulate the field of combat in various ways, depending on which Battlefield Quality is in play.

For bouts in the training arena, one can assume that this will not be a factor unless specified beforehand.

Step Two: Detection

This is your chance to determine if someone is attempting to get the jump on you. When someone tries to hide from your field of vision, they are to roll Stealth against your characters' Passive Awareness (Awareness x 4). If they succeed, they get a +1D to attack against you or any character that didn't see them.

Fairly straight forward, moving on.

Step Three: Initiative

After the first two steps are out of the way, it becomes fairly straight forward. Roll your Agility plus any bonus dice obtaining from having quickness and settle it appropriately, factoring in anything important that might change that up (e.g. Armor penalities, negative to rolls, etc) After, it's just as simple as simple as following a turn order.

Step Four: Action

The bread and butter, this determines how you will attack and what you will do during the turn. A complete list of what you can do can be found here, so I don't have to type all of it out. What you need to know is you have either One Greater Action or Two Lesser Actions.

Feel free to sort thru them and determine what you want to do, and make the necessary rolls. As a player, it helps to have this sort of stuff laid out in your private forum in advance. It would be wise to keep a active list of your Combat Defense number in your posts during combat to better determine success of the attacks to help the player write the effects of the blow.

Damage is determined by your weapon type's skill number, with any bonuses that are to be factored in. Any lingering effects, like any increase or decrease to your combat defense thru your actions remains in effect until your next turn.

Step Five: Repeat

After your turn is over, repeat this process starting off on Step Two. (Step One may be redetermined as necessary) This means you are to re-roll your initiative to determine where your placing will be in the next round. It would not hurt to go ahead and add it in to the end of your post for simplicity sake. After the round is over, the new turn order is determined. So take note that your decisions to do a Reckless Attack to get that Extra +1D because of your turn order could lead to some pretty bad consequences if Orokos does not favor you.

Step Six: Resolution

Whether in a duel or a group combat, once your character hits 0 HP, your time in the combat has ended. It's up to the winning side to determine your fate.

This guide here has the wonderful options open to you can allow under Defeated in Combat. Generally when sparring or doing combat in a tournament, it's good sportsmanship to accept a yield, and it's pretty much assumed that you will not need to "Take the Black" during such a type of fight. If that is not your fancy to simply leave the character unscathed, you have plenty of options to leave a mark on your opponent with whatever consequences that come with that choice thereafter.

Next up, I will write out a mock combat to show a full example of how this works.