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Day Four (Sept. 4 to Sept. 6)

Day Four (Sept. 4 to Sept. 6)
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Day Four (Sept. 4 to Sept. 6)

Post by Rahvin » Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:28 am

March 21, 209 AC

The day is clouded before the sun even begins to crawl above the horizon; while it gives a lovely hue to the sky, it also quickly leads to a dimly lit day that matches the grey mood that's fallen over Ashford. The cloud cover persists through the day with a cool breeze coming from the west.

Nightfall brings no respite, the wind picking up in gusts that, at times, almost threaten to pull pavilions from the ground. It's difficult, at best, to maintain the open fires relied on for warmth and most people seek shelter from the howling winds that carry on even into the next morning...

Despite the tragedy of the day before, Lord Ashford has insisted the tournament continue, though guards - both from House Ashford, House Targaryen, and the King's own forces - have been stationed throughout the tournament grounds to ensure peace is kept.

Participation at the tournament has driven local prices up; increase the cost of all purchases by 20%.

Late Morning: The Third Break [Jousting]
Early Afternoon: A Mess of Maesters [Maesters' Conclave, Roleplay]
Early Night: Words are Wind [Red & Black Event]

  • Any jousters making an attempt to jockey for a position on Day Five need to have their rolls submitted by 8PM Eastern on September 5th
  • Any characters submitted by 8PM Eastern on September 5th will be considered to have arrived on Day Three; any submitted after that will always enter play on the next day.
"That's what I do - I drink and I know things."
Portraying: Lord Ashford, the Targaryens, the Forresters, the Terricks, the Wydmans

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Re: Day Four (Sept. 4 to Sept. 6)

Post by Rahvin » Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:28 am


Just Winging It
"Did you hear? A rider came in last night while the princes were taking dinner - they found Prince Daeron!"
"I bet you Prince Maekar won't be happy... wait, what about the other one, Aegon?"
"Seven burn me if I know! Way I hear it, Daeron was as much as drowning in wine when they found him asleep in a haystack. The Little Dragon probably wandered off on his own..."

Prison of the Stags
"Lord Baratheon keeps insisting the whole thing had to be some misunderstanding, that he doesn't remember a moment of it after the Dornishman that morning. Too much to drink, I say, and now we're all going to end up paying for that mistake!"

Dunn Overdo It
"Still no Lord Commander Dunn?"
"Aye, not a sight despite all the stories we keep hearing. Not sure what to believe about it."
"A shame - Lord Ashford could likely use every friendly face he can find about now. But..."
"Way I hear it, a rider arrived early this morning in the Dunn camp. Good news, maybe?"

Sitting in a Tree~
"Did you hear? While his father's away and Lord Tyrell lies dead, that Dunn boy - what's his name? Keith? Evan? - was sneaking off with one of the northerner girls. Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?"

Peace in Our Time
"You Reachmen might not be able to stomach it, but Dorne is part of the Seven Kingdoms now! Even the Seven protect them - you saw how Lord Baratheon attacked that serving girl and now all of this is his punishment! The past is the past and you need to accept it!"

... Seriously, Are We Dunn Talking About Dunns Yet?
"Did you see that Dunn boy's reaction to Lord Baratheon? I swear, that was bloodlust in his eyes. He wants revenge for the death of The Tyrell, no doubt. Can only hope he doesn't drag us all into a war when he gets it!"
"That's what I do - I drink and I know things."
Portraying: Lord Ashford, the Targaryens, the Forresters, the Terricks, the Wydmans

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