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Day One (Aug. 24 to Aug. 27)

Day Four (Sept. 4 to Sept. 6)
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Day One (Aug. 24 to Aug. 27)

Post by Rahvin » Thu Aug 24, 2017 5:24 pm

March 18, 209 AC

Dawn breaks early to the cloudy morning of the prince's arrival at Ashford. The fields and tents are covered in a fine mist from a late night rain as the cities - both the permanent one huddling against the castle north of the river and tent city around the commons south of the river - come alive with morning activities.

As the day progresses onward, the clouds give way to a nearly perfectly clear sky, letting the mid-spring sun of the Reach shine down upon the tournament. By high sun, all the remains of last night's rains have already vanished, leaving the dirt fields of the commons hard and cracked.

Once the sun begins to set, the temperature drops with it, giving a reminder that winter is not far behind. Though not quite freezing, it's is a cool spring evening and many gather around fires to warm themselves and ward off the cool winds of spring.

Morning: The Princes Arrive [Roleplay]
Late Morning: Bread & Salt [Red & Black Event]

  • Any jousters making an attempt to jockey for a position on Day Two need to have their rolls submitted by 8PM Eastern on August 26th
  • Any characters submitted by 8PM Eastern on August 26th will be considered to have arrived on Day One; any submitted after that will always enter play on the next day.
  • Changes to characters can still be made up until the end of Day One by having a conversation with the GMs; we recommend your private forum for this.
"That's what I do - I drink and I know things."
Portraying: Lord Ashford, the Targaryens, the Forresters, the Terricks, the Wydmans

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Re: Day One (Aug. 24 to Aug. 27)

Post by Rahvin » Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:46 pm


The Dragon Princes
"D'you hear? One of the dragon princes is coming to be a champion for Lady Ashlyn."
"Aye, and as I hear it, he's brought along a veritable army with him and half the Kingsguard to boot."
"They need 'em, way I hear. The Breakspear and Prince Maekar have both brought all their boys."
"Including the young one?"
"Aye - the baby dragon."
"Hah! That'll be a sight to see!"

Lards of the Burrow
"Seems like all the Reach's turned out for the tourney. Well, except Lord Dunn, of course. He's sent a party but there's no sign of the Lord Commander himself. Probably too concerned that a Dornish knife is going to find it's way into his back. Not that he should be concerned... another rack of lamb and no knife'll ever find something vital."

The White Stag
"Saw it with me own eyes, I dids! At least sixty... no, no! SEVENTY! Seventy hands and fur white as the fresh snows of winter! Why're y'laughin'? It's true, swear on my mum, Seven rest her soul."

If You Can't Stand The Heat...
"Did you see that pennant? The black one with the tree? Aye, I don't recognize it."
"Oh, those're the Forresters. From up north."
"The North? Isn't it a little warm for 'em down here?"
"Aye, surprised they're not melting in their tents."
"I wonder what brought them all the way down here?"
"That's what I do - I drink and I know things."
Portraying: Lord Ashford, the Targaryens, the Forresters, the Terricks, the Wydmans

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