Day Three (Aug. 31 to Sept. 3)

March 20, 209 AC
Ashford wakes to a thin drizzle of rain. As the morning progresses, the pace of the rain increases and thunder rumbles from the west. By the time of the jousts, a full storm has begun. It tapers away quickly, however, clouds parting to let the sun through in the early afternoo and slowly drying the fields as the day drags on.
As the sun sets, the temperature plummets; breath is visible as people walk around and frost forms on the grass beneath their feet. People huddle close together for warmth around the fires as the night continues with not a cloud in the sky...
Participation at the tournament has driven local prices up; increase the cost of all purchases by 10%.
Late Morning: The Second Break [Jousting], Valar Morghulis [Black Event]
Early Afternoon: Here We Go! [Challenge Event]
- Any jousters making an attempt to jockey for a position on Day Four need to have their rolls submitted by 8PM Eastern on September 1st
- Any characters submitted by 8PM Eastern on September 1st will be considered to have arrived on Day Three; any submitted after that will always enter play on the next day.