as presided over by Daeron of House Targaryen, Second His Name
The Small Council:
Hand of the King: Baelor Breakspear of House Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone
Grand Maester: Ryon
Master of Coin: Owen Crane
Master of Laws: Aurane Celtigar
Master of Ships: Beron Stark
Master of Whisperers: Aemon Flowers
House Martell: Maron Nymeros Martell, Prince of Dorne
The Iron Islands
House Greyjoy: Dagon Greyjoy
The North
House Stark: Brandon Stark, Warden of the North
- House Bolton: Oswell Bolton
- House Forrester: Eddard Forrester
- House Karstark: Torghen Karstark
- House Manderly: Walder Manderly
- House Mormont: Jothos Mormont
- House Umber: Manfryd Umber
The Reach
House Tyrell: Leo Tyrell, Warden of the South
- House Ashford: Darryn Ashford
- House Dunn: Thaddeus Dunn
- House Florent: Ryam Florent
- House Hightower: Martyn Hightower
- House Redwyne: Runceford Redwyne
- House Tarly: Sebaston Tarly
The Riverlands
House Tully: medgar Tully, Lord Paramount of the Trident
- House Bracken: Kyle Bracken
- House Frey: Walder Frey
- House Lothston: Lady Danelle Lothston
- House Mallister: Harys Mallister
- House Piper: Uthor Piper
- House Terrick: Joseth Terrick
The Stormlands
House Baratheon: Orys Baratheon, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands
- House Connington: Erren Connington
- House Dondarrion: Osmund Dondarrion
- House Kellington: Cedric Kellington
- House Selmy: Arstan Selmy
- House Swann: Gawen Swann
- House Tarth: Galladon Tarth
The Westerlands
House Lannister of Casterly Rock: Damon Lannister, Warden of the West
- House Algood: Arryk Algood
- House Crakehall: Sumner Crakehall
- House Lannister of Lannisport: Tywald Lannister
- House Payne: Morton Payne
- House Reyne: Robert Reyne
- House Tarbeck: Adrian Tarbeck
The Vale
House Arryn: Donnel Arryn, Warden of the East
- House Corbray: Robar Corbray
- House Hardyng: Harrold Hardyng
- House Redfort: Jon Redfort
- House Royce: Yorbert Royce
- House Tollett: Eddison Tollett
- House Wydman: Ythan Wydman
The Night's Watch
Current Lord Commander: Cregan Tuttle
Current Numbers: Approx. 3500
Active Castles: 6 fully manned, 3 at minimal capacity