by Wylla Terrick » Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:46 pm
Wylla let loose a tiny smirk at Kevan's words, shaking her head a bit sharply. A soft jingle of her necklace, aalong with a whip of her hair would tell even her how instinctive that was. Deciding to simply unleash, rather than try to subdue her thought, Wylla's words were especially sharp as she'd smile the whole way through.
"Here is where I entirely disagree. You suggest that so many ambitious minds makes something unpredictable, I counter most respectfully. With so many greedy and desperate nobles, courtiers, and warriors... we are going to see some stupid things. Those of us with the charisma and tact to recover from what we consider to be terrible choices by terrible people shall reap benefit. I only pray you both see elongated peace and mutual growth as a benefit."
Second Daughter of Terrick (Adult)
Status 3
Attractive, Famous (Riverside Fairy), Blind
Wylla is almost always accompanied by the elderly Gouren Pyke.