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[D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:56 pm
by Visitors at Ashford
A torrential downpour falls from the sky as the second day of jousting begins; lightning crackles in the distance followed a few moments later by a rumble of thunder. The stands are much emptier today and the standing observation area is almost completely deserted.

That doesn't stop the knight in black-and-yellow stripes, drenched though his outer trappings are, from riding on to the field against the opponent he had selected the day before.

Another rumble of thunder fills the air and Humfrey Beesbury's voice sounds hard to make out over the downpour rain, "Ser Wydman - I am glad to have found a true opponent to ride against. What follows, I must assure you, is not personal but I must stand for the honour of the Reach."

[All Animal Handling tests to stay in the saddle have their difficulty rating increased by 3 due to the downpour.]

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:00 pm
by Warryn Wydman
Warryn smiled despite the downpour. He glanced up, disappointed by the lack of audience, but he understood.

"No problem Ser, I am glad you are not too bee-sy to honor me with your skill and valor." His smile widened. "I am looking forward to your sting."

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:42 pm
by Visitors at Ashford
Humfrey grimaces, "Ah yes. I've never heard that one before."

He signals for a lance, "I do hope yesterday wasn't just a fluke for you." He rode towards his end of the field, preparing for his charge...

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:51 pm
by Warryn Wydman
Warryn smiled. "Fair enough, my apologies Ser. I'm looking forward to seeing myself." He nodded, and lowered his helmet, accepted his lance, and started his charge.

Animal Handling: 19
Armor: 5
Stance: None

Rolled dice:
5d6: 19 [5d6=2, 6, 2, 6, 3]
Reroling a 2:
D3 LM Second Break, Fighting (Spears) rerolling a 2: 1d6 3
Kept dice: 6, 6, 3, +1 from Tourney Knight = 16
Damage if it hits: 11

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:59 pm
by Visitors at Ashford
The Beesbury charged, mud kicking up under his horse's hooves as it charged. The Wydman's lance shattered with little affect on the yellow/black striped shield.

Humfrey's Passive Animal Handling: 20

Humfrey's Pass: 14

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:05 pm
by Warryn Wydman
Warryn sighed.... the bee knight was good. Warryn will need to pull out the stops for this one. He threw the lance, accepting the new, and rode hard and fast. This wasn't that pass sadly, as his lance went wide.

Animal Handling: 19
Armor: 5
5d6: 11 [5d6=3, 2, 3, 2, 1]
D3 LM Second Break, Fighting (Spears) rerolling a 1: 1d6 3

Kept dice: 3, 3, 3, +1 Tourney knight = 10

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:08 pm
by Rahvin
The Beesbury came around for another pass, spear gripped tight.

"Feel my sting, Wydman!"

Humfrey's Passive Animal Handling: 20

Humfrey's Pass: 21
Damage if hit: 11

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:13 pm
by Warryn Wydman
"Not bad Beesbury, not bad at all." He rolled his shoulders, his place on his horse still strong and sure. He drew on his Andal instincts, yelling out with a smile. "Right Makes Might!"

Keep on horse:
D3 LM Second Break, Animal Handling (Ride), tn 12 due to rain: 6d6k4 19
Damage taken 6
Animal Handling: 18
Stance: Aggressive
Spears (Fighting)
Rerolling 2:
D3 LM Second Break, Spears (Fighting) rerolling the 2: 1d6 3

Kept dice: 6,6,4,+1 Tourney Knight, +2 BoA, +1 Aggressive stance:
Damage: 11

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:20 pm
by Visitors at Ashford
The spear hit is solid, but Humfrey's own lands more solidly. The Beesbury, with little trouble, stays in his saddle!

Humfrey's Passive Animal Handling: 20

Humfrey's Pass: 23
Damage If Hit: 11
Ser Humfrey Beesbury takes 6 damage.
Stayin' in the Saddle: 16

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:42 pm
by Warryn Wydman
Warryn winced, his shield shaking from the recoil, his arm crimped. Good one. He kept his shield up, his lance going wide this time.

Taking an Injury to reduce damage to 1:
Animal Handling: 21 (+2 from Defensive(
Armor: 5
Catch a Breath:
D3 LM Second Break, Endurence, catch a breath: 4d6 14
Health: 8/12
Rolled dice:
1, 2, 2, 2, 5
Rerolling the 1:
D3 LM Second Break, Spears (Fighting) rerolling the 1: 1d6 3

Kept dice: 5, 3, 2, +1 Tourney Knight, -2 from Defensive, -1 from Injury, total 8

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:55 pm
by Rahvin
The knight glanced sideways as the pass ended, stopping at the far end with mud splattered up the side of his courser. The squire lifted another lance to Beesbury who promptly turned for another charge.

His opponent's spear went wide - Wydman was clearly suffering - but his own landed squarely home.

Humfrey's Passive Animal Handling: 20

Humfrey's Pass: 23
Damge If Hit: 11

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:02 pm
by Warryn Wydman
Warryn spat as he stopped, throwing the lance to the ground. He frowned, but he gritted his teeth, digging deep. His lance hit the shield again, hoping this will be enough for his opponent.

Staying in saddle:
D3 LM Second Break, Staying in saddle, Animal Handling (Ride), tn 12, Wound: 6d6k4-1 17
Animal Handling: 19
Armor: 5
Catching a breath:
D3 LM Second Break, Catching a breath, wound: 4d6-1 16
Health: 6/12
Spears rolled:
Rerolling the 1:
D3 LM Second Break, Spears (Fighting) rerolling the 1: 1d6 3

Spending Destiny to keep 4:
6,5,4,4,+1 from Tourney Knight, -1 from Wound, +2 from Aggressive, total: 20
Damage: 11

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:09 pm
by Rahvin
The shock was hard; the impact wound its way up the jouster's arm and he grunted in pain. He gripped his legs, barely holding on to his horse as he tottered. His own spear merely impacted on his opponent's shield, shattering in the rain.

Passive Animal Handling: 20

Humfrey's Pass: 18
Humfrey Beesbury takes 2 Injuries.
Staying in the Saddle: 12

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:15 pm
by Warryn Wydman
Warryn let out a breath. Beesbury was tough, very tough. Still, his arm might hurt, be he endured worse. He stood on the defensive too, waiting for an opportune time.

Animal Handling: 21
Armor: 5
Catch a breath:
D3 LM Second Break, Catching a breath: 4d6-1 9
Health: 8/12
Spears (Fighting):
2, 6, 6, 3, 2
Rerolling a 2:
D3 LM Second Break, Fighting (Spears) rerolling a 2: 1d6 5

Kept dice: 6, 6, 5, +1, Tourney Knight, -1 Wound, -2 Defensive, total 15

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:23 pm
by Rahvin
The knight spurred for another round, kicking his horse into action.

Passive AH: 20

Humfrey's Pass: 24
Damage If Hit: 11

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:36 pm
by Warryn Wydman
Warryn weathered the next hit. Badly. He fell, grunting. It hurt. A lot. "Well. Played." There was a sadness in his voice, as he spoke.

D3 LM Second Break, Animal Handling (Ride), tn 12: 5d6k4-1 7

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:38 pm
by Rahvin
Beesbury swings his horse around, leaping down from the saddle. He nods and reaches a hand out to help up the fallen Wydman, "Aye. Well played." He sounds pained from the impacts on his arm.

Lord Ashford rises in his seat and raises a hand; it's hard to hear him over the pounding rain, "Lord Beesbury wins!"

Re: [D3 LM] Joust: Humfrey Beesbury vs. Warryn Wydman

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:40 pm
by Warryn Wydman
Warryn stood up, wearily. The man was his better. His eyes searched the scant crowd, looking for his father.