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Character Creation

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Character Creation

Post by Rahvin » Thu May 04, 2017 2:14 am

Character Creation
All characters created for Tourney at Ashford will use the basic character creation rules from A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying Game; additional experience or destiny points beyond the basic values presented are being granted. Characters may be from any age range although it is recommended that characters are Adolescent or older as younger characters may find their ability to participate to be severely limited.

We will be using the Game of Thrones Edition of the roleplaying game and, except where noted, the errata to the book located here.

Available Houses
While characters may, technically, be from any Westerosi house, all player characters must be sworn to serve one of the following player houses:

  • House Algood, vassals of the Lannisters
  • House Dunn, vassals of the Tyrells
  • House Forrester, vassals of the Glovers and the Starks
  • House Kellington, vassals of the Baratheons
  • House Terrick, vassals of the Tullys
  • House Wydman, vassals of the Arryns
Additionally, players may chose to not align themselves with one of these houses and play an unaligned Visitor at Ashford. These visitors could be hedge knights seeking to prove themselves, wandering minstrels looking to make a name for themselves, maesters of other houses arriving for the Conclave that is to occur at the tourney, or other similar concepts. However, such a choice will make for a more difficult game for the character as they will lack the support that a house sworn character will have and generally have to look out for themselves during the tourney.

Character Goals
All characters should have a series of character goals. Ideally, a character should possess at least two - a short term goal and a long term goal. Although there is no limit to the number of goals a character can possess, we recommend you not go overboard on it and stick to two or three.

Reducing Abilities to 1
We will accept reducing character abilities to 1 for the extra experience; however, the justification for such a decrease of ability has to be great. These are not merely things you're not good at but things that you fundamentally cannot do and that impact your life greatly; think Bran being paralyzed or Hodor hodor hodor, hodor.

Gaining and Losing Qualities
So long as a character possesses unspent, unburned, and uninvested Destiny Points, they may invest one to gain a new Benefit after creation. Such an investment, however, will most likely require in-character actions; as such, please speak with a GM and we'll make arrangements or explain the requirements (as they will vary from character to character and benefit to benefit).

Alternatively, a character may, with sufficient roleplaying explanation, burn a Destiny Point to remove a Drawback from their character sheet after creation. Not every Drawback can be removed this way (you can't, for example, remove Eunuch). As with gaining a new Benefit, please contact a GM and we'll work with you to reach the desired outcome as best as possible.

Lastly, characters may, occasionally, lose Benefits. In most such circumstances, you will regain the invested Destiny Point. In a few situations, however, you will not regain the invested Destiny Point; these situations are outlined in the rulebook or will be made explicitly clear to the player in situations above and beyond those outlined in the rules.

Application Process
If you're making your own scratch built character, send the completed character sheet using the template found in this thread to, substituting in the correct characters in the email; characters submitted that do not use the template found below will not be accepted and will be returned. Then, register an account on this site with the character's name. Alternatively, if you already have an account from pre-game registration, you may submit your character via private message to myself (Rahvin).

If you're planning to take one of the pregenerated characters listed below, simply submit an email to the listed address (or send a private message to myself) requesting the character. You will receive a message back with a slightly more detailed description of the character and be required to confirm you do, in fact, want the character.

Alternative Communication: As an alternative to speed up the process of getting people into pregenerated characters, we will be accepting reservations and confirmation of pregenerated characters via the Fallen Ash Discord server.

Once we have approved your custom character or received your confirmation for a pregenerated character, we'll activate your forum account and send you a message in return informing you of the activation. You will be given a private forum which will contain a copy of your character sheet as we have it on file for your reference and a few other important threads.

Your private forum is yours to do with as you wish; outside of the threads we will create upon character acceptance, you're free to create (or not) any threads you wish. While this is a good place to make character notes (and it's recommended you create a thread to help keep track of your dispositions), it's also a good place to create threads to have discussions with the GMs. Please note there's no need to use the report function to get our attention; we'll be sure to check private forums which we see have new posts as soon as possible.

Posting Colors
For ease of reading, we would request that all speech in posts be done using quotation marks and not using coloured text.

An exception to this, however, is to identify when your character is speaking a language which is not Westerosi; if you do so, be sure to include a note in your signatures about what colours represent which languages. Please also be courteous with your selection of colours; if any colour is too difficult to read, we will ask that you change it.

As part of your character account, please be sure to set up your signature. At the very least, your signature should contain your character's age category, house allegiance, Status value, and any equipment commonly kept on your person. You should also include mentions of any Benefits or Drawbacks which would be visible to someone looking at the character (for example, that giant burn that covers half of your face) along with any easily visible traits (for example, the fact you stand over seven feet tall).

Lastly, if you have any Qualities which might affect starting dispositions, please include them in your signature.

If your character dies or otherwise leaves the tournament and is no longer in play, please leave your signature intact (though feel free to add an addition noting the day/time slot of their death/departure). This helps people reading threads to keep track of everything easier and greatly assists those who may read the game after it completes.

Character Template
Below is the format in which all new characters should be submitted. If a character is not submitted using this template, it will be returned unapproved.

When submitting the character, please use the following subject line:
Character Submission: Character Name (House)

Code: Select all
Age: Category (NUMBER)
Destiny Points: UNSPENT / TOTAL


Background Event:
Include a Description of the Event here.

ABILITIES (Use the format of RATING (Specialties); for example Fighting 4 (Longblade 2B, Axe 2B))
Animal Handling


Starting Kit:
Purchased Equipment:
Starting Coin:

Intrigue Defense:

Combat Defense:

List Experience Expenditures for Abilities

List Experience Expenditures for Specialties

Any Notes on Benefits, Flaws, other stuff, etc.
"That's what I do - I drink and I know things."
Portraying: Lord Ashford, the Targaryens, the Forresters, the Terricks, the Wydmans

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Posts: 351
Joined: Thu May 04, 2017 2:17 am

Re: Character Creation

Post by Rahvin » Sat Aug 19, 2017 3:02 am

Pregenerated Characters
House Algood
  • Moira Algood
    Lady of House Algood and wife to Lord Arryk, Moira is a cunning and ruthless negotiator with a head for numbers – traits Arryk has put to good use by appointing her his steward. There are some, though, who say the Lady Algood – formerly of House Tarbeck – is the true power behind House Algood; unlike Lord Algood – who seems to be meekly accepting the punishment handed to his house by the Lannisters – Lady Algood has quietly been gathering allies amongst other houses…
  • Maester Emmet
    Maester Emmet is a solitary, brooding, and frail old man. Spending most of his time in the rookery of Redwall where he maintains his rooms, Emmet mostly distances himself from the day-to-day running of House Algood. Being brought to the tournament with his lord’s household has left him crotchety. While some say his old age has just gotten the better of him, others believe that his service to Algood reminds him of glories lost to him by joining the Citadel.
  • Septa Braya
    One of the newest member of Arryk Algood’s household, Septa Braya was brought to Redwall to assist with the education of the Algood children. Unfortunately, she has found her services less necessary; soon after her arrival, both children were taken. After voicing her opinion on the matter to the Lady Algood, Braya was kept on at Redwall to, as Lady Moira put it, tend to the family’s faltering spiritual needs.

House Dunn
Submissions for House Dunn are currently closed.
  • Maera Dunn
    The eldest Dunn daughter, Maera was shaped by her family’s proximity to Dorne from a young age; here, in the Marches, even the women are taught to defend themselves with weapons to some degree and, with some childhood pestering, she has even learned to ride as a soldier might from Gerrod. Now approaching the age of 16, she knows her father plans to find a husband for her; it is her intention that she will only marry someone who appeals to her and she intends to make sure her father knows that well.
  • Ser Robar Redding
    Third son of the Lord Donnel Redding, Robar is sworn to serve the Dunns as part of his family’s obligations to the protection of the Dornish Marches. As one of the younger knights – few of whom have actually experienced real battle – he’s often derided by many of the Dunn’s veteran soldiers for his glorious ideals of combat. Still, he doesn’t relent and hopes to win honors for himself and his family at Ashford.
  • Ser Steffon Fossoway
    Nephew to Lady Dunn, Steffon Fossoway has been staying for a number of months at the Burrow to help foster further relations with the Dunns. With his cousin and squire, Raymun, Steffon has been preparing for the tourneys that were inevitable come the spring. It is at his behest that Lord Dunn has sent a contingent to Ashford – where Steffon hopes to win a place as champion and the honors it would bring him.
  • Gerrod the Grey
    A veteran of the last battles fought against Dorne, Gerrod is master of horses at the Burrow. While nearing his fiftieth year, Gerrod is a still a feisty man with a gruff soldier’s bearing. It’s very obvious from watching him at work, however, that he cares deeply for the horses he keeps – something that can be attested to by a number of knights who’d felt his wrath after working their mounts too hard.

House Forrester
  • Alyn Snow
    Shaggy and somewhat feral in appearance, some think Alyn Snow closer to the dogs he watches over than human. Son of Eddard’s brother Kevan Stark and a peasant girl, Alyn has spent most of his life at Ironrath among the dogs and, with the death of the previous Master of Kennels, taken over watching over them. Brought along to watch after Marqus’ hunting dogs, Alyn can sometimes be found at night unresponsive and staring off into nothingness as he sits among the dogs.
  • Rosamund Glover
    Although the Forresters are technically under the direct vassalage of the Starks, in truth they answer to the Glovers of Deepwood Motte. Rosamund Glover is a symbol of that allegiance; a young woman with plain looking features, she was sent to Ironrath to eventually marry the youngest Forrester son, Deryk. Currently serving as Arwyn Forrester’s handmaid until the time of the marriage, Rosamund finds herself conflicted; while she’s betrothed to Deryk Forrester, she has found him to be repulsive and has instead gravitated towards the much older Marqus.

House Kellington
  • Maester Endrew
    A thin, middle aged man going grey before his time, Endrew is Maester at the Cragfort. His chain bearing links marking him for his knowledge of history and economics, Endrew currently serves as House Kellington’s steward, despite his feigned protestations on the matter. With dark hair and dusky skin, he is without a doubt of Dornish heritage; some rumours even say he is the bastard of prominent lord though Endrew is quick to deny those stories.
  • Falena Kellington
    If Cedric is considered to be late in marrying, his elder sister Falena is considered to be beyond her marriageable years. Many times over the years both Cedric and his father before him have attempted to marry her off only for her betrothed to die before the marriage could occur; after the fourth such incident, the suitors stopped coming. Looking almost identical to her brother but with longer hair, Falena has an interest in archery and horsemanship that her brother has indulged by letting her range through the house’s lands with Long Yohn.
  • Ser Jamos Caffaren
    Drawn from the Kellington banner house of Cafferen, Jamos serves Lord Cedric as master-at-arms and castellan at the Cragfort. He has also taken to being Cedric’s personal bodyguard which has, at times, left him privy to a number of secrets about the House and its master. A gangly man in his late twenties, Jamos holds loyalty to the Kellingtons but has recently felt pressure from his family to return home with the waning of Kellington’s influence.
  • Long Yohn of the Broken Crag
    Because a fair portion of its lands consist of mountainous terrain, a sizable portion of Kellington’s foodstuffs have come from hunting local wild life. Thus, each Lord Kellington has had a Master of the Hunt. Lord Cedric’s (and his father’s before him) was Long Yohn of the Broken Crag, an older man with scraggly hair who knows the lands of the house like the back of his hand. He’s served in the position nigh on three decades, having inherited it from his father, and seems to not be slowing down yet.
  • Theodan Storm
    Theodan Storm is the only son of Lyra Cafferen, Jamos’ younger sister. Although kept at Fawnton for the first ten years of his life even after his mother was finally married off, Theodan was finally decided to be too much of a liability to keep at Fawnton. Being one of the only ones in the family to care for the boy’s wellbeing, Jamos had the boy brought to the Cragfort to serve as his squire. A rather sullen and quiet boy with strawberry blonde hair, he hasn’t been much help to Jamos of yet.

House Terrick
Submissions for House Dunn are currently closed.
  • Rowena Terrick
    Eldest daughter and first born of Lord Joseth, Rowena is almost past what most would consider marriageable age. Where most would despair, Rowena has instead embraced the role given to her by her father: with her position as eldest daughter, she would be the most valuable piece in her father’s plan. Since recognizing her place, she’s made a game of enticing the noble lords who have come to vie for her hand – and takes a certain perverse pleasure in leading on Joseth Mallister.
  • Maester Elwyn
    Maester Elwyn is a young man, barely old enough to have his chain, but still an expert in the fields of medicine and, strangely, warfare. An avid history buff, Elwyn is discouraged with his placement at Hawkspray, being so far, as he says, from anything that matters, but loyally serves Lord Terrick all the same. With his help, the villages nearest Hawkspray have been fortified against the Ironborn but, as he says, there are always improvements to be made.
  • Erreg the Pale
    The current master of arms of Hawkspray, Erreg was trained from his youth by Lord Joseth in numerous forms of combat; it been said that, had Erreg been noble born, he might have even been made a knight. Originating from one of the small villages on Terrick lands, rumours abound about Erreg’s parentage; there is no small number who whisper that he might be Lord Joseth’s unacknowledged bastard.
  • Ser Joseth Mallister
    Once Lord Joseth’s page and squire, Joseth Mallister chose to remain in Hawkspray after his knighting despite his family’s attempt to have him returns to Seagard. Instead, he stays close to his namesake, attempting to convince him to allow him to marry his eldest daughter, Rowena. Thus far, Lord Joseth had repeatedly spurned his requests – but the Mallister is nothing if not persistent.

House Wydman
  • Elza Wydman
    Wife to Lord Ythan, Elza is a fair haired woman in her mid-thirties. At first glance, she seems much younger and most would find it difficult to believe that she is the mother to three Wydman children. A woman greatly saddened by the loss of her eldest child, Elza chafes at being confined to Old Peake, missing the open air of Ironoaks from her childhood. Still, she remains dutiful to her husband and strong for her children.
  • Alys Wydman
    Mother to Lord Ythan and grandmother to Warryn and Berena, Alys is an elderly and fiery woman. Her constant chastisement of Ythan for his failure to reclaim any of their lands has left the mother-son relationship strained. Still, Alys dotes on her two grandchildren and, despite her advancing age, has insisted on coming to Ashford with her son’s delegation. After all, she says, she’s always wanted to see the Mander before she dies…
  • Berena Wydman
    The teenaged daughter of Ythan and Elza, Berena is a plain faced girl with raven black hair and a cold personality; of all three Wydman children, she has taken most after her father with his stony personality. Highly practical, she understands that it is in her family’s best interest that she marry to help an alliance and so she strings along the advances of Cressen Waynwood, hoping to put him off until her father makes a decision. That doesn’t stop her, however, from fantasizing after the vagabond Yellowjacket.
  • Cressen Waynwood
    Yet another Waynwood cousin, Cressen was offered to Ythan as a squire for his son. Despite the apparent loyalty this would appear to create within Cressen for the Wydmans, the boy instead serves a darker purpose; the Waynwoods still hold a grudge against the Wydmans for the insult given to them nearly two generations ago. Cressen hopes to woo and marry the young Berena, opening the possibility to one day have Old Peake fall into the hands of the Waynwoods…
"That's what I do - I drink and I know things."
Portraying: Lord Ashford, the Targaryens, the Forresters, the Terricks, the Wydmans

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