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[D3 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

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[D3 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Rahvin » Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:00 am

Here We Go!
A Challenge Event

Despite the events of this morning, Prince Baelor sits in the specially erected tent - the main difference, however, seems to be a glass of wine in his hand and Ser Donnel of Duskendale close at hand (his own hand kept squarely on the hilt of his blade at all times). As the competitors assemble, the Breakspear rises from his seat with a half-hearted smile, "Though I am dismayed at the events of this morrow... it is Lord Ashford's wish that the tournament continue uninterrupted."

He gestured to the table before him - an almost accurate recreation of Ashford and the surrounding terrain. Expertly carved miniature armies sat lined up on the field; the ones closest to the scale castle were painted in a bright orange with white suns, those furthest away red with small black markings in place of sigils.

"I am sure many of you are aware of my actions many years ago." He glanced around, "It is my belief that a true knight must know how to do more than just fight. A true knight must know how to lead... and how to lead men in their own fights and direct them to save as many of their lives as possible."

"To do that, my teachers devised a... shall we say game?" He gave a bit of a weak smile, "Come, I will explain the rules and then we will begin..."

Rules Lawyer
Prince Baelor takes time to explain the rules of his game, going over them only once. It's best to remember them in case you might be able to use them to your advantage.
Roll a Cunning (Memory) test against a Challenging (9) difficulty. For each degree of success, you may add a single +1B to any roll of your choice during this event.

Mental Fortitude!
As the game drags on, you find it harder to keep focus.
After each of the following rolls, you must make a Will test of increasing difficulty; the first test is made at Routine (6) difficulty, with the difficulty increasing by 3 for each following roll. On a failure, your focus has slipped and Baelor overruns your troops - you lose the game and may not continue.

Ursarkar of House Creed
On the attack, you invent a plan to get around Baelor's troops... if only he'll fall for your feint.
Roll a Deception (Bluff) test against a Formidable (12) difficulty. For each degree of success, take 1 Tactics Point.

Just as planned...
Baelor's nods at your plan... and executes one of his own. But are you paying enough attention to see it?
Roll an Awareness (Notice) test against a Formidable (12) difficulty. For each degree of success, take 1 Tactics Point.

Stone Boxes!
Finally, the time has come - your siege engines are in position! It's time to take Ashford once and for all!
Roll a Warfare test against a Formidable (12) difficulty. For each degree of success, take 1 Tactic Point.

Any participant who reaches the end of the event with at least 3 Tactics Points will earn ten experience.

Any participant who reaches the end of the event with at least 6 Tactics Points drives Prince Baelor to a draw and will earn 1 Glory for their house.

Any participant who reaches the end of the event with at least 9 Tactics Points defeats Prince Baelor and will earn will an extra Glory for their house.

If any participant earns 12 Tactics Points, a special prize will be awarded.
"That's what I do - I drink and I know things."
Portraying: Lord Ashford, the Targaryens, the Forresters, the Terricks, the Wydmans

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Re: [D3 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Warryn Wydman » Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:01 am

Warryn sat down against the prince, ready and happy to show his mettle. "Your grace, let's get started." He recalled some of the more obscure maneuvers, and managed to hide his troops up in the forest... but he missed the Breakspear's own feint, and sadly, the siege engines were completely routed. At that point, Warryn was mentally exhausted, and couldn't put up much of a fight.

"Well fought, your grace."


Rules Lawyer:
D3 EA Here We Go, Cunning, tn 9: 3d6 14

Ursarkar of House Creed:
D3 EA Here We Go, Deception, tn 12, +1B From Rules Lawyer: 3d6k2 12
+1 Tactics point

Mental Fortitude #1:
D3 EA Here We Go, Will, tn 6: 3d6 13

Just as planned:
D3 EA Here We Go, Awareness, -3 from Supreme Arrogance, +1B from Rules Lawyer, tn12: 4d6k3-3 8

Mental Fortitude #2:
D3 EA Here We Go, Will, tn 9: 3d6 12

Stone, Boxes!
D3 EA Here We Go, Warfare, tn 12: 3d6 7

Mental Fortitude #3:
D3 EA Here We Go, Will, tn 12: 3d6 11
House Wydman * Andal Warrior* Arrogant Heir * Tourney Knight * Status 3
Everyday inventory: Wydman signet ring
Combat inventory: Breastplate, greatsword

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Re: [D2 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Derrick » Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:02 am

((Retconning myself out of this event because of fighting ~))
Last edited by Derrick on Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:02 pm, edited 4 times in total.
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

Carries: Dagger, Dirk, Clothes,
On duty: Soft Leather Armor, Longsword, Dirk,
Prepared for war: Scalemail, Long sword, Greatsword, Dirk, Large Shield

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Re: [D2 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Arwyn Forrester » Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:40 am

Arwyn had listened to the rules as they were explained carefully, curiously, and she found herself interested in the game. Maybe doing this was a little more socially acceptable than fighting on a battlefield herself. She'd always had an interest in warfare... there was a time in her childhood where she wanted to help defend her house herself, but they needed her to be a proper lady. So, like a proper lady, she deeply curtsied before the Prince before sitting down to the game of tactics.

She looked over the terrain and spotted a weakness in his formations. Or at least a potential possibility. It was a sneaky and decidedly underhanded move, but... well, honor was for knights. She executed the feint over several turns, patient, face always with a genteel smile, or a simply thoughtful look as she made sweeping gazes over the field rather than letting her eyes settle on her planned areas of attack.

She picks up on his change in tactics quick enough to respond, but her expertise in war isn't enough to be able to counter him. By the end, even her strong will was stretched by the length of the game, but at least it was after the point where things were certainly lost. Still, even she was able to recognize she'd made a solid effort, and even surpassed some of the men around her. She rises and dips deeply again. "Thank you, Your Highness." With that, she steps back into the crowd to join her brother.


Here We Go!, Rules Lawyer, Cunning (Memory), TN 9: 4d6 11 (1 Margin, +1B to a roll)
Here We Go!, Ursarkar of House Creed, Deception (Bluff), TN 12: 4d6 18 (2 Margins, +2 Tactics points)
BotA reroll Deception, Rerolling the 2 (Here We Go, Usakar): 1d6 4, adding the +2 for 22 and one additional Margin
Here We Go!, Mental Fortitude 1, Will, TN 6: 4d6 16 (Passed)
Here We Go!, Just as planned..., Awareness (Notice), TN 12: 3d6 13 (1 Margin, +1 Tactics point)
Here We Go!, Mental Fortitude 2, Will, TN 9: 4d6 16 (Passed)
Here We Go!, Stone Boxes!, Warfare, TN 12, Spending +1B: 3d6k2 8

Total: 4 Tactics points, +10 XP
Last edited by Arwyn Forrester on Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Young Adult | House Forrester | Status: 3 | Courteous | Stubborn

Carries: Noble's Garments, Dagger

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Re: [D3 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Cassana Algood » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:01 am

"The game is easy to understand and remember. All thanks to your wonderful explanation, my Prince," Cassana stated with a wide smile.

All the while during the game, the Algood noblewoman never faltered in her concentration. She looked perplexed at her units and then back up to Baelor. "Actually, I am not quite sure what this unit's strength is..."

She watched her opponent utilize his own plan and then she brought in her earlier feint. Her expression turned coy as she silently went about her business.

And then she looked at the siege pieces. "I know how this works. I will wait you out until your food supplies run out."

It was disappointing to hear that that was not an option.


D3 EA HWG Roll 1 (Cunning 3): 3d6 14
Earned 2 uses of +1B for the rest of the event.

D3 EA HWG Roll Pre-2 (Willpower 3): 3d6 6
D3 EA HWG Roll 2 (Deception 3) Use +1B: 4d6k3 15 +2 Blood of the Andals
2 Tactics Points

D3 EA HWG Roll Pre-3 (Will 3): 3d6 11
D3 EA HWG Roll 3 (Awareness 3) Use +1B: 4d6k3 13
1 Tactics Point

D3 EA HWG Roll Pre-4 (Will 3): 3d6 15
D3 EA HWG Roll 4 (Warfare 2): 2d6 7
0 Tactics Points

Total: 3 Tactics Points
Young Adult | House Algood | Status: 3 | Attractive

Typically Carries: Noble's Garments, Dagger

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Re: [D3 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:04 am

Kaliya curtsied very deeply to the Prince before accepting the seat opposite him. This was the closest she'd ever been to anyone this important, and if she didn't make a good impression, it was likely to be the last. Nervousness tickled in her belly, she wasn't a tactician by any measure, but she hoped that she'd be able to match the prince for long enough to dazzle him with her smile and her charm.

She paid close attention as he explained the game, quickly noticing certain chains of logic and making notes of things to return to later, setting up her pieces in a satisfactory manner. To her surprise, her initial movements went well as she manoeuvred her troops into position, perhaps the Prince was taking it easy on her, as a woman.

Though her concentration remained unbroken throughout the game, her inexperience at command showed and she failed to see his cavalry moving up on her flank. Things quickly went downhill from there, but it was enjoyable nonetheless, and she managed to sparkle throughout the game, curtsying and flashing her most charming smile before stepping down and letting the next player try their luck.

Rules Lawyer: +2B
Ursarkar of House Creed: 2 Tactics Points
Mental Fortitude Rnd 1: Pass
Just as Planned: 0 Tactics Points
Mental Fortitude Rnd 2: Pass
Using Rules Lawyer Bonus, Spending 1 Destiny to keep a Bonus Die on Stone Boxes.
Stone Boxes: 0 Tactics Points
Mental Fortitude Rnd 3: Pass
Being Utterly Charming: Very
Status 3 ❣ Adult ❣ Attractive ❣ Dornish Accent ❣ Perfumed
Carries: Purse of copper pennies.
Outfit: Previous DaysDay 4Riding

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Re: [D3 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Marqus Forrester » Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:12 am

Marqus went into the game feeling rather struck but managed to hold it together even paying attention to the rules. It didn't do him all that much good though. His opponent was far superior, but even so he stuck ot out it to the bitter end. Stubborness kept him at the table until his last warrior was defeated.

"I guess that's that then. A convincing triumph my Lord."


D3. EA. Here we go! Rules Lawyer. Cunning vs Challenging (9) difficulty.: 3d6 12 vs 9 = 1 degree

D3. EA. Here we go! Ursarkar of House Creed. Deception test against Formidable (12). Rules Lawyer bonus die +1B: 3d6 8 7 vs 12 = fail.

D3. EA. Here we go! Mental Fortitude. Will test Vs Routine (6) difficulty.: 3d6 15

D3. EA. Here we go! Just as planned... Awareness test against Formidable (12).: 2d6 2 Right.

D3. EA. Here we go! Mental Fortitude. Will test Vs challenging (9) difficulty.: 3d6 12

D3. EA. Here we go! Stone Boxes! Warfare test against Formidable (12).: 3d6 9

D3. EA. Here we go! Mental Fortitude. Will test Vs Formidable (12) difficulty.: 3d6 10

Zero points!
House Forrester - Young Adult - Enthusiastic - Obvious
Status 3
Equipment: Mail, Ironwood shield, longsword, longbow, quiver w/ 10 arrows.
Accompanied by: Rhinn, a fine Northern courser.

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Re: [D3 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:32 am

Keen to prove himself for and before at least several people, himself included, Kevan decided to be confident about his chances in the war game. He was a learner, neither too quick nor too slow, but apparently good enough to get hold of the rules.

EA3. Rules Lawyer. Cunning vs. 9.: 2d6 9

But Kevan's feint was poorly executed and the Prince did not fall for it, driving his offensive home and routing the forces under Kevan's command.

EA3. Ursarkar of House Creed. Deception vs. 12: 2d6 7
EA3. Ursarkar of House Creed. Will vs. 6: 2d6 4

A bit dismayed by how quickly he exposed himself to the final blow, Kevan acknowledged his defeat and gave space to more apt strategists. There would be much soul-searching after this stinging outcome.
Heir to the Burrow (Status 4) * Squire * Good-natured * Boisterous * Seeking Knighthood * Profile
Has: Knightly Kit, Signet Ring, Tymagon

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Re: [D3 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Ferris Cafferen » Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:45 pm

Ferris was no knight but he was curious about this game the prince presented them with. Comming closer, he observed the terrain and listened carefully.
Here we go: Cunning (Memory) test: 2d6 9 +1b once

And so, the game began. He was not used to deception and so opted for a direct strike against the prince's flank but it was too obvious for a true tactician

Here we go: Ursarkar of House Creed -Deception (Bluff): 2d6 9 0 pts

Here we go: Mental Fortitude! diff 6: 3d6 9

However, when Baelor made his counter-strike Ferris was ready and made for a significant defense
Here we go: Just as planned...use of my rules boost: 5d6k3 16 1 point -_-

Here we go: Mental Fortitude! diff 9: 3d6 15

Siege? When was he ever in a siege?

Here we go: Stone Boxes!: 2d6 4

Here we go: Mental Fortitude! diff 12: 3d6 10

He knew he had lost had that. He bowed to the prince and excused himself

---1 pt
Sir * Adult * Cafferen * Status 2 * Owl and Puppy companions* Mustachioed

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Re: [D3 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Allard Terrick » Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:00 am




1) D3 - EA; Here we Go event; Rules Lawyer Cunning (2) vs 9 - 9 |Pass
2) D3 - EA; Here we Go event; Ursarkar of House Creed (Reroll with Ravhin's permission) Deception (2) vs 12; Honor-Bound Drawback, +1B Bonus from Rules Lawyer - 9|Failed
3) D3 - EA; Here we Go event; Mental Fortitude!1; Will (3) vs 6 - 12 |Pass
4) D3 - EA; Here we Go event;Just as planned...; Awareness (3) vs 12 - 13 |Pass
5) D3 - EA; Here we Go event; Mental Fortitude!2; Will (3) vs 9 - 11 |Pass
6) D3 - EA; Here we Go event; Stone Boxes! Warfare (3) vs 12 - 13 |Pass

2 Tactic Points
*Ser *Adult *Dreamer *Honorable *Musician *Normal Looking *Ward *Educated
Status: 3|Description

Melee: Maul, Half-plate, Longsword, Dagger
Mounted: Mace, Shield, Dagger, Warlance, Courser, Half-Plate
Other: Noble Garb, Traveller's Garb, 2x Rouncy, Lute

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Re: [D3 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:25 pm

Kaelyn forced her shaking into check. She would not dishonor her family in front of royalty. She'd been sure to wear one of her finer dresses; pink and silver with accompanying jewelry. She doubted she'd do well with the test, but perhaps her beauty would be enough to excuse that shortcoming.

She introduced herself with all due respect and propriety, listening carefully as the rules were explained. She possessed a good memory, at least. She would not need to be told a second time.

She played the Prince's game and managed to not embarrass House Dunn, although, as expected, she did not thwart the Prince at something based in a man's world.


Here We Go! Rules Lawyer [D3 - Cunning; Memory] 4d6k3 11

Here We Go! Ursarkar of House Creed [D3 - Deception] 2d6 9
Here We Go! Ursarkar of House Creed [D3 - Will] 4d6 17

Here We Go! Just as planned... [D3 - Awareness + Bonus Die] 4d6k3 15
Here We Go! Just as planned... [D3 - Will] 4d6 17

Here We Go! Stone Boxes! [D3 - Warfare] 2d6 6
Here We Go! Stone Boxes! [D3 - Will] 4d6 15

1 Tactic Point
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


Carries a dagger, coin, and accompanied by Dahlia, a gyrfalcon. Art

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Re: [D3 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Tomas Flowers » Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:34 pm

Tomas learns the rules well enough.

Cunning: 3d6 10

But against a tactical genius like Baelor, he fails even if he puts up a good fight.

Deception (using Bonus die): 3d6k2 11
House Dunn + Adolescent + Marked (Greyscale)

Status: 2

Equipment: clothes, (when appropriate) A bow, Redbark,

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Re: [D3 EA] Here We Go! [Challenge Event]

Post by Rahvin » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:39 am

Prince Baelor frowns; he had, obviously, expected someone - anyone - to do much better against him. Even more so does he seem confused by those who offered him the greatest challenge - a pair of maids from houses of little renown. He is entirely unsure what to say and merely offers a perfunctory congratulations to the pair before excusing himself to go see to the matter of Lord Baratheon.

Arwyn Forrester, Cassana Algood: +10 Experience Points
"That's what I do - I drink and I know things."
Portraying: Lord Ashford, the Targaryens, the Forresters, the Terricks, the Wydmans

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