Prince Baelor "Breakspear" Targaryen
Prince of Dragonstone, Baelor Targaryen – known as the Breakspear – is heir to the throne of the Seven Kingdoms and Hand of the King and will, without a doubt, one day take his place on the Iron Throne after his father, Daeron II, passes from this world. Unlike most Targaryens, Baelor is dark of hair and brown of eye and the normal Valyrian pale skin finds itself slightly darkened – features gained from his mother, Mariah Martell.
Considered one of the finest knights ever to grace the Seven Kingdoms, Baelor was instrumental during the Blackfyre Rebellion when he lead troops from Dorne and the Stormlands to Redgrass Field where they trapped the rebels against his brother Maekar’s army – an action commemorated in the song “The Hammer and Anvil.”
Despite him having all the makings of a fine king, Baelor is looked darkly upon by no small number of lords. His features mark him as more Martell than Targaryen and many believe that a “true” Targaryen should be the one to sit the throne, not some half-blood mongrel.
His wife is Jena, formerly of the House Dondarrion, and has given him two children: Valarr and Matarys. While Valarr has ridden to Ashford at his father’s side, Matarys remains in King’s Landing with his mother.
Prince Maekar Targaryen
Youngest brother to Baelor, Maekar is seventh in line for the Iron Throne; knowing it impossible that he might ever sit upon it, he has contented himself with his place as Prince of Summerhall. Unlike his oldest brother, the bearded Maekar is considered a perfect Targaryen – white hair, purple eyes, and pale skinned tanned by years of commanding in the field.
Where Baelor was always a better knight, Maekar was always considered the better warrior and commander and thus stands in charge of his a portion of his father’s armies. In the field, his army stood against the mad attacks of Aegor the Bittersteel and it was by his hand and commands the rebel army of the Blackfyres was finally destroyed – a feat he remembers in the form of a wicked scar across his face when he faced Aegor in battle.
Despite his prowess and his part in the downfall of Daemon Blackfyre, Maekar is jealous of his brother; history remembers more the role of Baelor Breakspear and the errors of Daemon Blackfyre than it does of Maekar’s part in the Battle of the Redgrass Field. Despite this jealousy, he serves for the good of the kingdom at his brother’s side.
Maekar is recently widowed, his wife Dyanna having died in childbirth. Together they had four sons – Aerion, Daeron, Aemon, and Aegon – and two daughters – Daella and Rhae, the youngest. Maekar is accompanied at Ashford by Aerion though Daeron and Aegon seem to have disappeared from the caravans. Maekar’s two daughters remain in King’s Landing while his remaining son, Aemon, studies at the Citadel.
Grand Maester Ryon
The most recent appointment to King Daron's small council, Grand Maester Ryon