by Kevan Dunn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:14 pm
"I spoke to him already. Whatever you establish will trickle back to me this way or another, so I am not worried. To determine the truth of it is in a broad interest... unless Dorne was involved and her sympathisers will try to sweep it under the rug. But I count on your clever mind." He responded with a similarly small stopover smile, but he kept her body in close embrace, taking comfort and motivation in feeling her curves. Those two factors were shifting gears in his brain to a more cogent, thoughtful mode. So the next question didn't come to him as a surprise; he had already attuned to the way her thoughts travelled. "Let me respond cautiously, Arwyn; higher than under my father's leadership. How much higher depends on many factors outside of my control but I do make an effort to extend that control, primarily by building my own position and reputation. But in all honesty, my love, would you think I'd be so enamoured with the real you if I were not an ambitious man myself, seeking greatness in the time that's been given to me?"
Heir to the Burrow (Status 4) * Squire * Good-natured * Boisterous * Seeking Knighthood * Profile
Has: Knightly Kit, Signet Ring, Tymagon