[M D1] The Princes Arrive

As the sun climbs in the east, a column appears from the west in the distance with sun reflecting off the forward riders and a trail of dust kicking up behind them. Over the next half hour the column approaches closer until it enters the shadow of the Ashford Hold. Soon the shining riders come into sight - three riders in polished white and gold armor, their helmets down over their faces.

Behind them ride the two brother Princes - and they could not be more different. One is dark haired with tanned, almost olive skin, and dark eyes. The other is far more the Targaryen - platinum white hair close cropped to his head and piercing violet eyes, one marked by a scar. Whispers follow them as the go - Baelor the Breakspear and Maekar have arrived at Ashford. Baelor waves to the people as he passes, smiling; his brother, the white-haired Maekar,
scowls as he rides in his brother's shadow.
Behind them, surrounded by guards in Targaryen red, come two more princes riding horses. One, like his father, is dark haired and olive skinned - Valarr Targaryen, one of the Lady Ashford's champions - is passive, his face neutral as he passes by the commoners come to see the princes' procession. The other, with long platinum hair to the middle of his back and startling violet eyes, is Aerion Targaryen; he glares down at those he passes, clearly disdainful of the people around him.

As they reach the gates of the hold, the Lord Darryn Ashford appears from within the hold, a young girl at his side - this is clearly Lady Ashlyn Ashford, the girl who the whole tourney is being run for. They drop to their knee and the rest of the household follows suit, the gathered crowd doing so as well.
As Baelor dismounts from his horse, his brother following suit, the Kingsguard in shining white takes up places between the crowd and their charges, the Targaryen troops taking up a position even further outside than the Kingsguard. With the wall of steel between the crowd and the princes, it's hard to hear what words they exchange with the lord but Baelor soons breaks out laughing. Confused onlookers glance at one another, unsure of what to make of the laugh; a moment later, Baelor gestures for all to rise to their feet.
He turns the lord, wrapping an arm around the man's shoulder as they head towards the great hall. Maekar frowns and follows after. The younger princes dismount and follow, Valarr stopping long enough to bow slightly to Lady Ashlyn and take her hand to kiss; she blushes bright red, a young child in over her head. The blush causes Aerion to break out laughing and the Ashford girl turns further red. The brown haired Targaryen turns his head, glaring sharply at his cousin. As he begins to speak with the platinum-haired Targaryen, Valarr's voice is drowned out by the clanking of the Targaryen troops as the march into the castle.
The Kingsguard are the last to leave where they stand, watching the crowd for a long moment before they, too, disappear into the hold.
Whispers spread through the crowd quickly; something seems wrong - wasn't there supposed to be six princes?
Lord Ashford's household guards return to their places at the gates; the spectacle is over quickly and life returns to somewhat normal in the streets of Ashford...

scowls as he rides in his brother's shadow.
Behind them, surrounded by guards in Targaryen red, come two more princes riding horses. One, like his father, is dark haired and olive skinned - Valarr Targaryen, one of the Lady Ashford's champions - is passive, his face neutral as he passes by the commoners come to see the princes' procession. The other, with long platinum hair to the middle of his back and startling violet eyes, is Aerion Targaryen; he glares down at those he passes, clearly disdainful of the people around him.

As Baelor dismounts from his horse, his brother following suit, the Kingsguard in shining white takes up places between the crowd and their charges, the Targaryen troops taking up a position even further outside than the Kingsguard. With the wall of steel between the crowd and the princes, it's hard to hear what words they exchange with the lord but Baelor soons breaks out laughing. Confused onlookers glance at one another, unsure of what to make of the laugh; a moment later, Baelor gestures for all to rise to their feet.
He turns the lord, wrapping an arm around the man's shoulder as they head towards the great hall. Maekar frowns and follows after. The younger princes dismount and follow, Valarr stopping long enough to bow slightly to Lady Ashlyn and take her hand to kiss; she blushes bright red, a young child in over her head. The blush causes Aerion to break out laughing and the Ashford girl turns further red. The brown haired Targaryen turns his head, glaring sharply at his cousin. As he begins to speak with the platinum-haired Targaryen, Valarr's voice is drowned out by the clanking of the Targaryen troops as the march into the castle.
The Kingsguard are the last to leave where they stand, watching the crowd for a long moment before they, too, disappear into the hold.
Whispers spread through the crowd quickly; something seems wrong - wasn't there supposed to be six princes?
Lord Ashford's household guards return to their places at the gates; the spectacle is over quickly and life returns to somewhat normal in the streets of Ashford...