by Wylla Terrick » Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:38 pm
The area would sound with the clack of a well made noblewoman's shoe, as Wylla would sluggishly move into view. Gouren Pyke was beside her, looking much more awake, as he held a thin scroll, and was rapidly speaking with the young woman. Going on and on of various power players of the neighboring houses as Wylla's steps tried to increase in speed, her wrist held to keep her from running into something, and presumably to keep her well within ear shot of the softly talking old man. Despite her distress, there was no mistaking that beuaty. She'd been cared for, and regardless of the anguish on her face she still had the scents, jewels, and natural loveliness to push it back for those less close to her.
Second Daughter of Terrick (Adult)
Status 3
Attractive, Famous (Riverside Fairy), Blind
Wylla is almost always accompanied by the elderly Gouren Pyke.