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House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

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House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Arwyn Forrester » Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:11 pm

Arwyn perched delicately on a chair in the Forrester pavillion compound, a black cloak draped over her knees. A needle was held carefully between her teeth as she eyed a bit of embroidery that had gotten caught on a branch an torn on her way down to Ashford. It made her slightly grumpy to have her work messed up like that, but she kept it under wraps. It would be fixed in no time anyway.

It kept her busy as she waited for her family members, too.
Last edited by Arwyn Forrester on Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Young Adult | House Forrester | Status: 3 | Courteous | Stubborn

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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, Morning]

Post by Gwenyth Snow » Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:19 pm

Ah, the joys of still being considered a child... with few expectations of your needlework to fret about. And Gwen's mother knew better than to add such details to the girl's outdoor-clothes, knowing that it would probably get torn or messed up somehow.

The blonde-haired bastard wore her plain clothes as she arrived in the pavillion to meet Arwyn and Marqus. Well, Arwyn she had travelled with, but Marqus had spent time in the south now, and it would be fun to see him again now.

"Good morning," she said in her usual quiet tone to Arwyn, and already she was casting curious looks to the black cloak in the older girl's lap.
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Marqus Forrester » Fri Aug 25, 2017 12:10 am

The distinctive sounds of bravado and manly cameraderie drifted through the pavillion. Backs were slapped, shoulders patted, and cheerful greetings slowly grew louder. A horse whinnied as it was led away.

After about a minute of this a tall youth with tousled black hair ducked inside the pavilion, chainmail rustling softly as he walked. A sardonic grin fit perfectly on his handsome face. Marqus looked around as though he owned the place and strode over to Arwyn. His eyes were drawn to her work.

"Well. That's torn it." He winked at her. "Good to see you sis. Where's my hug?" He looked over at Gwenyth. "And who's that young lady? She looks like Gwen all grown up, but I can't have been gone that long..."
House Forrester - Young Adult - Enthusiastic - Obvious
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Arwyn Forrester » Fri Aug 25, 2017 12:18 am

Arwyn was just about to show Gwen what she was doing when her long-lost brother appeared. "If I didn't have to be a good example right now, I'd poke you with this needle," she says, but her warm smile and teasing tone showed she wasn't serious. She stuck her needle in to save her place in her work and got up the hug him as tight as she can with the chainmail in the way. "It's been too long. How've your travels been down here?"

She looks toward Gwen with a smile. "She's growing like a sprout, this one. Go away for a month and she'll be another foot."
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Gwenyth Snow » Fri Aug 25, 2017 12:53 am

Gwen smiled widely, even if she did think Arwyn should poke Marqus with the needle. "And I'll be taller than you next time too," her voice did rise with some enthusiasm, as Marqus' enthusiasm was easily contagious on her, as she reached out for a hug too.

"I've been looking after Arwyn while you've been gone," Gwen said with some pride. Someone had to save poor Arwyn from becoming too much like a lady.
House Forrester * Bastard * Youth * Blood of the Andals * Cute
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Marqus Forrester » Fri Aug 25, 2017 12:58 am

Marqus pretended to be horrified by the needle. "Then thank the gods for keeping up appearances!" He laughed, a wee bit more deeply than she might have remembered. He returned the hug warmly, seeming genuinely pleased to see her, and practically lifted Gwen off her feet with one arm.

"Hah, I'll bet you have! Travels have been great Sis, King's Landing is immense, like seriously. It's huge! And hot! It's so bloody warm in these parts I just packed up my old clothes and bought a bunch of lighter ones." He grinned. "You'll get used to it though. I mean, it is spring. What about you? Been up to anything fun? Mostly I've been training really hard! You know, showing these Southerners how it's done."

His fingers drilled on the pommel of his sword and then his focus returned to Gwen.

"I guess if they keep feeding you it won't be long before you're taller than Arwyn! Not me though." He struck a heroic pose.
House Forrester - Young Adult - Enthusiastic - Obvious
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Arwyn Forrester » Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:41 am

"That's right, you better be scared," she says, making her fingers look like claws. "I'm dangerous. I might tickle you to death like when we were kids." A short laugh and she took up a normal, straight posture.

"A lot of people are taller than me," Arwyn jokes, grinning. "It would hardly be a shock if Gwen was." At the discussion of the heat, she sighs and nods. "I've noticed... I've been dressing lighter and lighter since we left the Wolfswood. Everyone down here still look like it feels like winter to them, but I've had to get a couple more dresses just to survive, it feels like. Still, you'll have to show me around King's Landing someday."

"You've been doing an excellent job looking after me, Gwen."
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Marqus Forrester » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:43 am

Marqus grinned and pulled up a chair, stretching out and placing his hands behind his head. He was a full 10 inches taller then Arwyn now. Obviously that southern air had been good enough for another growth spurt.

"The phantom tickler, watch her Gwen, she's got fast hands." A comfortable smirk. "They know nothing about real weather over in Kings landing. Still, fewer clothes just makes it easy to show my muscles off to the lasses."

He flexed his biceps, which were actually a fair bit bigger than when he'd left.

"Hehe. Anyway, sure! You just need to convince father, I'd be happy to give you a tour. How's mother? And the Ironrath pack?"

He had actually missed Arwyn and Wills, but was never that tight with Sybelle and always used to fight with Deryk.
House Forrester - Young Adult - Enthusiastic - Obvious
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Gwenyth Snow » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:55 pm

Gwen nodded. She would be very much on her guard, as she guarded Arwyn, while guarding herself from Arwyn's tickle-attacks.

But she remained quiet. While she was happy to see Marqus again too, Arwyn and Marqus were brother and sister, so it would be nice to let them catch up and talk together first.
House Forrester * Bastard * Youth * Blood of the Andals * Cute
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Arwyn Forrester » Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:05 pm

"Not many know real weather south of the Neck," Arwyn responded with a soft chuckle, her habits falling into the "genteel lady" mask. "Hopefully you weren't too enthusiastic about showing them your muscles...?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Mother is doing well, as well as can be handling that lot. Deryk's betrothal..." She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "... could be proceeding better... Sybelle and Willum are fine."
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Marqus Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:59 am

He playfully placed a hand on his heart and feigned surprise. "Me?! Show off to the ladies? Who do you think I am?"

With a chuckle he rose from chair and walked over to ruffle Gwen's hair. "How's Walder? Still chasing rabbits I'll bet."

The talk of his little brother made him roll his eyes. "Deryk wouldn't know a good idea if I punched him in the face with one. He's already betrothed, in spite of being... Well, you know, Deryk. And to a Glover! It's better than he deserves."
House Forrester - Young Adult - Enthusiastic - Obvious
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Arwyn Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:47 am

"Well... I don't disagree, but careful you don't let Rosamund hear you talking like that. She'd consider it open season," Arwyn says pointedly. "She has her sights set on you, and you know perfectly well how much trouble that would cause."
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Marqus Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:21 am

Marqus gave her an annoyed frown. "Rosamund Glover? As if. There's a whole world of fair maidens out there Arwyn. I'm not interested in Deryk's business, you know that." With a sigh he eventually nodded. "Fine. I'll keep my incredibly true and insightful comments to myself."

He waved it away and cheered instantly. "So...if you do spot any nice young ladies don't forget to mention you've got a heroic older brother."
House Forrester - Young Adult - Enthusiastic - Obvious
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Arwyn Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:49 am

She lets out a soft chuckle, shaking her head. "I'm well aware. I'm not worried about what you're going to do... I need to somehow find a way to get her to focus more on Deryk. Your word are incredibly true and insightful, brother, if it helps."

She grins and nods. "I certainly will... And if her family might be able to help us, all the better."
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Marqus Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:08 am

"Iron from Ice, sis. Iron from Ice. We're all here for the family. Speaking of..."

He looked around. "Don't suppose father's hiding out around here is he? I was hoping to find out what I can do to help out. Other than win all the tourneys of course.". He winked at Gwen.

"And I was also going to tell him about what a great warrior I'm becoming. I guess that bit can wait."
House Forrester - Young Adult - Enthusiastic - Obvious
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by House Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:05 pm

"Lord Forrester, unfortunately, could not make the journey."

Derryk Flint appears, decked in full armor. He bows slightly to Arwyn, "Lady Forrester." He ruffles Gwenyth's hair, "Lady Gwen."

He turns to Marqus, "I had hoped to tell you sooner, Lord Marqus, but I also had to personally see to the security preparations of the camp upon arrival..."

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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Marqus Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:45 pm

Marqus looked momentarily put out, sighed, and then shrugged. "I guess our brothers and sister still need constant supervision eh?"

He pulled out a smile and walked over to Derryk offering a warm forearm shake. "It's good to see you though Derryk, been too long." His expression became more serious. "Is everything alright back home?"
House Forrester - Young Adult - Enthusiastic - Obvious
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by House Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:57 pm

"As good as can be, m'lord." Derryk frowns slightly, "The Whitehills continue to rattle their swords and make demands... of course, our lord Starks have more concern with the Skagosi, at the moment, than to worry about such clearly false claims."

"While making my rounds, I took note of the sigils of those attending... I couldn't be sure as I saw it at a distance but..." There's a pause as he looks over his shoulder, then back to the gathered Forresters. He lowers his voice so only those closest can hear, "I am certain I spied the Whitehill crest from a distance."

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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Arwyn Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:32 pm

"All the more reason we need to make allies as much as possible while we're here," Arwyn states bluntly. It was just family here... the image of a proper lady was easier to maintain around strangers. Still, she bows her head toward Derryk as he arrived. "I suppose seeing the Whitehills potentially gives all the more security concerns."
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Marqus Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 8:35 pm

"Bloody Whitehills. Alright, better keep an eye out for trouble then. And get our alliances in first..."

He seemed both more serious and more simmering with anger than he had been since his arrival.
House Forrester - Young Adult - Enthusiastic - Obvious
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Gwenyth Snow » Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:08 pm

Gwen had been busy smoothing out her hair after Marqus had messed with it, then it happened again! The outrage! She frowned and fussed with it some more.

"You don't think they'll try to do anything weird here... right?" she asked, a little concerned since all the grownups were being concerned.
House Forrester * Bastard * Youth * Blood of the Andals * Cute
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Arwyn Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:41 pm

She smiles and sits down, breaking out a comb and starting to gently straighten out Gwen's hair. "I hope not, but you never know, I suppose." She sighs. "I suppose this means I can't really do what I was planning at as a leisurely a pace as I'd hoped."
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Gwenyth Snow » Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:44 pm

"Hm?" she perked up, turning her head to look up at Arwyn. "What were you planning to do then?"
House Forrester * Bastard * Youth * Blood of the Andals * Cute
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Arwyn Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:52 pm

"Find a husband in one of the other houses," she says as she continues combing. "If we can get a little more support to secure our place, we won't have to worry so much about the bl- the Whitehills. There lands show how well they managed their own ironwood, anyway."
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Re: House Forrester, Sound Off! [D1, EM]

Post by Marqus Forrester » Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:57 pm

"Hah! Good point." He nodded in agreement. "Desperate to get out and take over a House eh sis? Good on you, I'll keep an eye out for a decent sort."

He placed back and forth for a bit.

"Well, other than marrying us off, what else can we offer for support? Did father give you an update on our forces and trade? I mean, there's always Ironwood."
House Forrester - Young Adult - Enthusiastic - Obvious
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Equipment: Mail, Ironwood shield, longsword, longbow, quiver w/ 10 arrows.
Accompanied by: Rhinn, a fine Northern courser.


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