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[D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

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[D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Allard Terrick » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:26 pm

Apparently there was a massive fight earlier this evening, as wounded men could be seen all over the place. Not an unexpected sight considering all the liquor and armed men gathered into one place. As he was diving through all the unconscious people, Allard finally reached the counter and asked the bartender what happened and to serve some ale.

As he drinks the ale, he heard about the bear and the maiden fair. Of course, women had to be involved. Alcohol plus armed men plus women during the late hours of the day is always a very bad combination.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Walder Rivers » Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:15 pm

Walder seemed to appear almost out of nowhere, his face in an annoyed frown. He settled next to Allard on the bar, and grunted an order to the bartender.
"Ale. Now."
He rubbed his right bicep, which was covered in bloodstained gauss.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Allard Terrick » Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:23 pm

Allard couldn't help but chuckled when his older distant relative appeared, bloodied and annoyed '' Well, I suppose that it has been an interesting evening, old man... '' He said jokingly before he drinks from his mug. '' How many did you beat to the ground?'' He asked with a smile in his face.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Walder Rivers » Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:32 pm

Walder shrugged. "Lost count at six. Broke a few jaws, lots a noses... Might've broken a table with some arsehat's thick skull, who remembers." He gave a chuckle himself. "Some bloody eejit got lucky and nicked me, got the bastard roight back I did though. He's not gonna be getting up anytime soon." He added, tapping his right arm.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Allard Terrick » Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:43 pm

'' Haha!...'' Allard laughed. '' Hopefully, they will remember the lesson after they wake up. If they wake up at all, you didn't kill anyone, right? '' He continued joking.

'' You should go and see some Maester to patch that wound though,even if it is a scratch.'' He said seriously this time, while looking at the barrels in front of him. '' It will be bad for the songs if the story of mighty Ser Walder ends with a scratch during a bar fight. '' He refered to a possible infection.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Walder Rivers » Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:48 pm

"Not on purpose at least." He said, a cold undertone in his voice.
He waved his hand dismissively at Allard's last comment. "Och, got Lady Terrick's other bastard to take a look at it, 'e's got a bit o' healer's training in him, I trust in his talents, besides I stand scratches pretty well." He took a large gulp from his ale, wiping his mouth with his hand afterwards.
"So where were you during all the fighting?" He asked.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Allard Terrick » Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:11 pm

'' Well you had definitely have more experience with wounds that myself. '' Allard smiled and drinked.

'' Me? Oh, I was at the sparring square training. I always try complete my daily training routine.'' '' Ha! yesterday for example I went to swim to the Cockleswent for training when a young highborn lady appeared out of nowhere. It was a bit awkward as I was half-naked, and more importantly half freezing, but it ended in a normal, proper, conversation. '' He told him about his encounter with Cassana.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Walder Rivers » Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:25 pm

"I've gotten a good amount of them over the years, aye." He nodded.
He raised an eyebrow. "A lass, eh? Oh I remember those days... Young, stupid, hornier than a haggle o' cows." He looks off into the distance for a moment as he sips his ale.
"Ach, memories are dangerous things, lad." He sighs as he puts down his ale for a moment.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Allard Terrick » Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:41 pm

'' But memories also are a part of what makes us alive.'' He said with a smile. '' Surely there are bad memories, but also good ones, right?'' He asked while he drinked. ''Well, women do have some sort of magic when it comes to making men do stupid things'' He laughed. '' In any case that girl she was not my type, I mean, not that she was ugly, not at all, but she was too young for my tastes. ''

Allard looked around.

'' I heard that the fight here started for a woman...''
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Walder Rivers » Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:44 pm

Walder nodded. "Aye, good and bad, both are dangerous... Makes you long for better times... Or wish you didn't remember them." He was silent for a while before continuing, with a chuckle to lighten the mood. "Aye, I've done me own share of foolish things in the name of love, or just company." He shrugged at his last question. "Dornishwoman I heard... Some bloke decided that she'd done something wrong, got a little handsy... Didn't catch the details."
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Allard Terrick » Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:00 pm

'' Ah, Dornish girls. If women have the magic power to make men do stupid things, dornish girls are the greatest sorceresses in the world. Even if they are not doing it intentionally. Not a very good place and time for these dornish women, half of the men here want to sleep with them, half just want to kill them. Especially among the reachmen and the stormlanders. '' He referred to the tensions between the recently integrated Dorne and the rest of Westeros.

'' Speaking of dornish girls, today I saw one which was truly otherworldly. Really attractive. I really don't know how they do it '' He chuckles and then sips from his ale.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Walder Rivers » Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:05 pm

Walder shrugs. "Spent me days in the north, most me lovers're from there because o' that. Don't see a lot of Dornish women up there. Though you do have a point, they are rather fair. Must be in their blood." He sipped his ale again. "Oh? Might Ser Allard be getting a dornish bride then?" He asked, with a sly smile.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Allard Terrick » Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:23 pm

'' Well, Northern women also have something. A 'wild' attractiveness'' He sipped from the mug.

'' Ha! Who knows? I leave that decision to the gods...'' He laughed. '' I would not be against of it but I doubt a dornish girl would like the damp climate of the Riverlands, I mean dump compared to the hot inferno that must be Dorne. I think my future wife, if I have one, probably will be from the riverlands. ''
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Walder Rivers » Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:39 pm

"Aye they do, lad. Aye they do." He mused, a small smile on his lips.
"You have no one in mind already?" He asked Allard.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Allard Terrick » Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:42 pm

'' Hmm no, not really. Not for now at least. I'm still young and want to see the world before I settle down. Marital commitments do not work well when you are travelling half around the world. But who knows? Perhaps what I'm saying now is horse-shit and I leave this tourney with a bride, eh?'' He smiled and sipped some ale.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Walder Rivers » Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:49 pm

"Och lad, be careful with that. If you aren't careful, the road you're travelling will sweep you away with it, and then settling down won't be an option anymore." A tinge of melancholy ran through his voice. "...But who knows. Life's a mystery ennit?" He added after a long pause, taking a swig of his ale afterwards.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Allard Terrick » Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:47 am

'' Aye, well It is a risk I'm willing to take. Not many people could say they have visited and saw the many mysteries and wonders of this world '' He replied. '' But my heart and soul belongs to the Riverlands. I'm tied to that land, so I will definitely return If i take that journey. Well, unless I die in some forgotten place '' He chuckled with the last part.
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Re: [D2 - LE] Drink and Fight!

Post by Derrick » Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:54 am

Another was soon to join the group of people at the Bottom of the Barrel, Derrick rather wanted a drink after the day he had and soon made his way to the closest place he knew to get one. He still looked a bit worse for wear from the earleir fight, and was favoring his right side a bit, but a few strong ales would likely see him able to sleep through the pain.

Walking to one of the barmen to order a Ale he took a drink and looked around, trying to find a empty seat.
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