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Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

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Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:33 am

It was a new day and that meant more exercise for the young solider. Making his way back to the river Derrick searched out a portion with a few more rocks.

After a few moments to check his surroundings and make sure the coast was clear, he stripped off his boots and his shirt, and descended into the river, every once and a while dipping down to fetch a stone from the water and check it's weight.
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Talieas Corbray » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:05 am

After washing himself off Tal was having a good long swim in the river to exercise his muscles. His horses were tied to a tree further upstream, but in sight, as he swam with purpose.
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:25 am

Derrick noticed the distant swimmer, but didn't try to bother the man, he waant after a swim himself after all. Not yet at least.

Finally finding a rock he seemed satisfied with, he threw it up onto the bank before going in search of another.
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Talieas Corbray » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:39 am

Oblivious, Tal kept swimming and even passed where Derrick was. In fact he would only spot him on the swim back...
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
Carries: Longsword, knife, apples and some silver.
Equine friends: Pearl, a very large destrier, and Sammy, a rounsey
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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:59 am

By that time the young man would be back on the riverbank steadily lifting a pair of largish rocks apparently in exercise. He hadn't bother to put on his shirt, and seemed fairly absorbed in the activity, though from the line of sweat on his brow and other signs of exertion he seemed to be tiring.
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Talieas Corbray » Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:02 am

Once again continuing past Tal makes the return trip to the spot of riverbank he'd entered the water. Retrieving his clothes and something to dry himself he pats down his horses. It would be only a few minutes until he was dressed once again. He was curious about the rock lifting young man. Lifting rocks topless by a river was somewhat odd.
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:39 am

It made quite a bit of sense at least to the young man... though if Derrick gave it any thought, he would likely notice how strange it was. After a few more repetitions, the rocks were tossed back into the river, sinking into the depths with a splash. It was then that the youth finally turned towards the other man and gave him a nod in greeting.
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Talieas Corbray » Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:15 pm

By then he was walking both horses back, reins in his left hand. He nods to the man at arms and slows gradually.

"Good morrow." He calls out, lifting his right hand and opening it.
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
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Equine friends: Pearl, a very large destrier, and Sammy, a rounsey
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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:03 pm

"Good morrow, Milord." Derrick offered with a polite bow. The man might not be dressed extravagantly, but it was easy to tell he was some sort of noble from the horses he had with him. The larger was not something a common man would own after all.
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Talieas Corbray » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:05 am

Tal gives a friendly smile. "It's Ser Talieas Corbray, how do you do?" He led the horses over so it would be easier to talk.
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
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Equine friends: Pearl, a very large destrier, and Sammy, a rounsey
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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:52 am

"My apologies then, Ser. I'm Derrick a retainer of House Algood." Derrick replied, assuming the man preferred that title. "I'm alright thank you, just getting in some morning exercise."

"How are you this say?"
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Talieas Corbray » Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:36 am

"Ah, so was I." Swimming was good for that.

"I'm well. Soon the young Lord heir of the House I am serving, the Wydmans, will be jousting Ser Androw Ashford." Tal's smile grew. "It has me excited."
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
Carries: Longsword, knife, apples and some silver.
Equine friends: Pearl, a very large destrier, and Sammy, a rounsey
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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:47 am

"Ah... Lord Warryn?" Derrick asked, taking a moment to remember the name of the gentleman he met last night.

"I wish him the best of luck."
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Talieas Corbray » Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:06 am

"Come along to the tiltyard later this morning and you'll be able to watch." Tal points out jovially. It's clear he is proud of Warryn getting to compete.
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
Carries: Longsword, knife, apples and some silver.
Equine friends: Pearl, a very large destrier, and Sammy, a rounsey
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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:05 am

"I planned on being there." The young man offered with a small smile. "I've never had the chance to see a tournament after all, not of this size at least. I was rather looking forward to it." There were many famous names that would be here. some of which even he had heard of.
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Talieas Corbray » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:34 pm

"Hah! It's the same for me." Tal replies, tapping his chest. "Who else will be representing your House?"
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:25 pm

"At the joust? Perhaps Ser Tremaine, though I haven't heard for certain. Lord Ulrich might try his hand as well though. But that would be more to represent his own family I would think." Those were the only possibilities he could think of at the very least.
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Talieas Corbray » Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:07 am

"And the melee?" Tal enquired, nodding at the first answer as he tried to place Derrick's age.
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:37 am

"I planned on joining that one. Don't know how I will do, but I hope to learn at least a few things." About himself as well as a few of the others here hopefully. "Were you planning on joining the Melee? Or perhaps the Joust?"
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Talieas Corbray » Thu Aug 31, 2017 2:41 am

"Both. Favouring one or the other would be problematic for a knight - you can't always pick your battles eh?" Tal points out while giving his incredibly large destrier's side a few pats. The brown courser stomped its foot a few times in jealousy, which earned a few chuckles from the young knight.
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
Carries: Longsword, knife, apples and some silver.
Equine friends: Pearl, a very large destrier, and Sammy, a rounsey
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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:16 am

"Quite true." It's why he spent a little time on horse back. Not enough to be truly good, but enough to make sure he wasn't completely useless. "Though for men like me, most of our battles are fought on our feet."

"So I spend most of my time practicing there." Derricks eye's drifted to the horses. "Do they have names?"
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Talieas Corbray » Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:22 am

"Quite so." Or else you'd be men on mounts.

Smiling freely and clearly pleased at the question Talieas quickly turned his attention to the horses with him. With his free hand he indicates each in turn. "The smaller chestnut is Sammy. This big girl is my pride and joy. Her name is Pearl." He once again rubs her side affectionately.
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
Carries: Longsword, knife, apples and some silver.
Equine friends: Pearl, a very large destrier, and Sammy, a rounsey
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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:10 am

"Pearl and Sammy." He repeated the names as if to set them to memory. "They are fine looking horse Ser, I can't say I've seen many better at this tourney." Not that he had done much looking though. "I suspect you mean to ride earl when you're jousting?"
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Talieas Corbray » Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:51 pm

"Aye, that's the plan." Tal confirms. "Will you at least try your hand at the squire's joust Derrick?"
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
Carries: Longsword, knife, apples and some silver.
Equine friends: Pearl, a very large destrier, and Sammy, a rounsey
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Re: Morning redux (Day 2 Early Morning)

Post by Derrick » Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:50 pm

"I don't know... I'm not really a squire after all." His lips curled into a frown. "Wouldn't want to upset any actual squires by participating."
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

Carries: Dagger, Dirk, Clothes,
On duty: Soft Leather Armor, Longsword, Dirk,
Prepared for war: Scalemail, Long sword, Greatsword, Dirk, Large Shield


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