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[LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Warryn Wydman » Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:24 pm

"Quite a few people... I met most of them. Not the Lord Kellington though. I also met some people from the Riverlands, one of them a bastard." He mused in thought. "The Seven Kingdoms represented... not often one sees such."
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Allard Terrick » Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:35 pm

Kaelyn Dunn wrote:She laughed a bit. "I thank you for your discretion, good Ser. I hadn't realized the lances were different. That is comforting."

She grinned, remembering, "As a child I remember always worrying more for the horses when men would fight. Now that I know better? . . . I worry for both." she winked and laughed again.

'' Tourney lances are made with soft woods so they break upon impact. They still pose a threat though, especially the splinters, but the risk is far less than an actual war lance.'' He continued with his explanation.

Allard nods. '' Horses have even less risk of injury than knights. Only a truly inexperienced knight, or a vile man, would target the horse. At least in tournament. In war, that's entirely different. ''

'' But enough with such topics, how are your hunting plans going, milady? '' He changed the subject to a more relaxed topic and asked politely about her plans for the future hunt.
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:01 pm

Talieas Corbray wrote:With Kaliya unwilling to raise a new topic and move past the misunderstanding Tal leans back and takes a moment to think of one. When he does he glances to her cautiously for a moment, returning to watching the joust as he speaks casually. "Are there tournaments like this in Dorne?"

"Not so much," she replies easily. "The Dorrnish favourr the spearr overr the lance, and wearr lighterr arrmourr. It is considerred a grreaterr display to not hit something, than to strrike it dead-on." Kaliya smiled warmly, "the Dorrnish know how to put on a show, with spinning blades and exaggerrated flourrish."
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Talieas Corbray » Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:27 pm

This returns his good mood and has him grinning. "It sounds very much like the tiltyard. Truthfully it's all a show unless both sides use proper war lances. Hmm... actually, I have read a little of your people and their martial preferences. The spear is a versatile weapon. Not enough knights learn how to use one beyond a lance." He then shrugs and smiles. "Or so I think anyway haha."
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:44 pm

Bathing in the warmth of his easy smile, "aye. I do not trruthfully underrstand the use of the lance. It seems all too forrmal to me. A spearr will serrve on horrseback and on foot equally well." His good mood is infectious, and she chances to make a jest with him again, leaning in, "and the bedchamberr, too."
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Talieas Corbray » Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:06 am

This time he looks down so as to hide his smirk. His eyes return to her and there is a knowingness in them. "As you say." Winking, quick as a flash, he then gestures to the next competing squire. "Like the example you give certain factors can impact just how well things go. The technique most certainly, and the muscle and drive of the user, yes. However, size, hardness and shape play a factor." His gaze briefly returns to her and there is some mischief to them now. "Does this analogy help? If so then know that a war lance is both longer, heavier, sturdier and better built for penetration than a mere hand spear. The tourney lances you will see over the course of the tourney are but a pale imitation to ensure a degree of safety. Akin to a wooden sword put alongside a longsword." He dips his head and leans back, smiling. "Forgive the long explanation m'lady."
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:16 am

Kaliya's eyes sparkle as Tal makes his analogy, if she were the type to blush, she most certainly would have, "that is good to know," she answered with a definite smirk. "You arre most knowledgeable about the matterr, perrhaps you will favourr me with a deeperr education one day soon."

"But, do not apologise, I am interrested. The lance perrforrms well on the tourrney grround, in a strraight line, but how does it farre in the chaos of the battlegrround?"
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Talieas Corbray » Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:26 am

He rapped his fingers along his knee thoughtfully as he enjoyed a quick sip of wine. "Hmm. I now have a good idea of which particular aspects we'd both enjoy I educate you on." Tal replies with some wit, now quite aware of the game and keeping pace. Once he got going like this he could be quite banterful, or innuendo-laden.

"As for a lance." He nods to the display and waits. The tourney lance splinters on the target, practically crumpling. "A war lance is more solid, but it too can break. More often than not it becomes lodged in a... a target." Even with a topic like this he tried to be aware of a woman's gentler sensitivities and so used more distant language. "Usually they are only good for one pass, perhaps two if lucky. However, their reach is useful against most opponents without such a weapon. They are also fantastic at downing other riders. In a gentlemanly tournament it is cowardly and unsporting to target a man's steed, but on a battlefield it is only too effective." Now, at least, he spoke very much from experience and Kaliya would likely sense as much in his more serious tone. "Some battles are decided by a charge of knights, where a lance might fly through many foes too close together. Forgive my description if it is too graphic. You're right to question it though; nearly always the fighting does become chaos and that is where a secondary weapon actually becomes the primary. Without a sword, an axe or mace or what have you it would be impossible to fight at close quarters."
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:47 am

To her credit, Kaliya held her companion's eye firmly, though she blanched, her golden skin taking a dusky pallor. The mention of injury to riders was one thing, but the thought of their steeds being felled turned her stomach. "Have you, uh, seen much combat?" she rallies awkwardly.
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Talieas Corbray » Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:04 am

"Yes and no." He gives a tiny shrug and watches the field. "I've not been in a pitched battle, or anything notable like a proper siege, but I've fought in a good number of skirmishes and smaller engagements. Nothing really worth mentioning." Tal had a longer quaff of his wine, unsure what Kaliya might enquire.
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:30 am

Kaliya seems to take some degree of comfort in his answer, though she cannot place why that is. However, she has never been one prone to any great self-examination, "well, I look forrward to seeing you pit yourr skills against the champions, Tal."
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Talieas Corbray » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:59 pm

"As do I." I hope I get my chance. "Is there anything in particular you would like to do during the tournament Lady Kaliya?"
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:06 pm

"I should like to drrink all the joy I can bearr beforre duty pulls me back to rreality. To watch the competitorrs on display, to dance, to drrink, to make love," she lowered her voice modestly, in acknowledgment that she was a noblewoman, surrounded by curious ears. No matter how she felt about it, listeners might not approve of such free talk.
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Talieas Corbray » Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:02 pm

Leaning back and setting his cup down he gave her his full attention suddenly. He looked concerned. "It's a fine plan m'lady, but it worries me that you sound so downcast. Where do you fear duty will take you?"
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:10 pm

"Downcast? Merrely prractical. I am a widow without lands, a burrden upon both my husband's family and my Lorrd. It will behoove the Dunns to see me married off as soon as possible." She considers her companion, "please do not get me wrrong, I do not find the idea so terrible, but I am enjoying this taste of autonomy while I have it. It rreminds me a little of home."
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:53 pm

Allard Terrick wrote:'' But enough with such topics, how are your hunting plans going, milady? '' He changed the subject to a more relaxed topic and asked politely about her plans for the future hunt.

Kaelyn was more than happy to move on from the intricacies of men hacking at one another for sport. "I was disappointed to find out that Ashford has no kennels. I was hoping to find some hounds that might assist us. It is lucky that my brother brought his, and I have my gyrfalcon. They have always been enough for Tomas and I."

She lowered her voice to a whisper. "I have also heard that there have been sightings of a white stag. While I enjoy the hunt, I am not one for taking trophies. I do hope such a magnificent creature be allowed to live."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Talieas Corbray » Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:04 am

This has Tal scratching his chin. "You could request from your hosts the boon of returning to your actual family. I'm sure they would have you, eh? Otherwise you may as well seek a House who you would like to marry into and which would benefit the Dunns." He smiles her way cheerfully. "I'm sure you've already considered each, but there is no harm in either eh? Your actual family must miss you."
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Allard Terrick » Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:22 am

The riverlander knight nods. '' Well Ashford is quite a small town but probably others could give you and your brother help in that regard. I believe that my liege's son, Lord Desmond brought his dog, Walder, with him. '' He told to the young lady.

'' I heard about this 'white' stag as well. My Lord Joseth returned yesterday from a hunt with the rumours. Probably is just that, only a rumour. '' Allard also lowered his voice like Kaelyn.

'' Did you know, milady, that such an animal has a symbolic meaning for chivalry?'' He asked politely.
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:35 am

Talieas Corbray wrote:This has Tal scratching his chin. "You could request from your hosts the boon of returning to your actual family. I'm sure they would have you, eh? Otherwise you may as well seek a House who you would like to marry into and which would benefit the Dunns." He smiles her way cheerfully. "I'm sure you've already considered each, but there is no harm in either eh? Your actual family must miss you."

Kaliya sought the knight's hand, twining her fingers to his, "shh, Tal, do you rreally wish to talk politics on such a fine day?" Her tone is light and teasing.
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Talieas Corbray » Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:41 am

"It's not my favourite past time." He gave a squeeze. "But it's weighing on you and I don't like that." His tone turned a little more serious for a moment. However, it soon passed and he sighs and looks away.

"If you get bored or want some company you can always send for me or visit the Wydman tents."
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:06 am

"Thank you, Tal, you arre kind. I am glad you arre with me today." She squeezed his hand gently and smiled, warm and earnest.
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Talieas Corbray » Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:46 am

This had him smiling brightly and earnestly. "You're most welcome Lady Kaliya."

His attention switched to the jousts and then he leans back, making an impressed noise. "I think that was a man named Derrick, one of the men at arms for the Algoods. Some talent eh?"

Tal watches as even the officials recognise the lad and declare him the winner.
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:01 am

"Indeed," she thinks for a moment, "you know, I bought him an ale this morrning. I am glad that he did so well," she disengages her hand from Tal's to applaud for the man-at-arms.
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Talieas Corbray » Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:14 am

Clapping as well Tal mulls this over. "He had your favour eh? No wonder he did so well." The knight muses wryly.
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:25 am

Raising an eyebrow, "a mug of ale harrdly seems verry rromantic. Besides, I suspect the boy would faint clean away if I offerred him an actual token of affection."
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