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[LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Talieas Corbray » Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:32 am

"Could be funny. Heh." He nods and chuckles a moment. "So, with the entertainment over would you like an escort anywhere Lady Kaliya?"
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:38 am

"I thought I might see if I can find something to eat and a drrink on the Commons, if you would like to walk with me?"
Status 3 ❣ Adult ❣ Attractive ❣ Dornish Accent ❣ Perfumed
Carries: Purse of copper pennies.
Outfit: Previous DaysDay 4Riding

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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Talieas Corbray » Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:49 am

"It would be my pleasure."

Standing up and offering her his hand he would escort her to wherever she wished and, mayhaps, share a bite to eat with the Dornish lady.

/ Exit
Status 3 * Adult * Knight * Wydman Supporter * Andal blood * Easy going
Carries: Longsword, knife, apples and some silver.
Equine friends: Pearl, a very large destrier, and Sammy, a rounsey
Wears: Tunics, but breastplate or half plate when permitted.

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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaliya Redding » Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:00 am

Accepting the offered hand, Kaliya smiled to Tal and allowed herself to be accompanied from the stands.

Status 3 ❣ Adult ❣ Attractive ❣ Dornish Accent ❣ Perfumed
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:18 pm

Allard Terrick wrote:'' Did you know, milady, that such an animal has a symbolic meaning for chivalry?'' He asked politely.

Kaelyn's eyes sparkled with interest. "I did not know that. Now I must hope it survives even more so that chivalry is not dead by the end of the Tourney." she winked.

Kaelyn knew this was something about herself that she could never seem to control. Curiosity was her foe when it came to being a Lady. She tended to wonder things that would be best left to Lords and men. However he penchant for reading stifled her stifling instincts.

"Is your Lord good to you, Ser Allard? And what, for you, makes a good Lord?" And suddenly, she got a hold of herself. "Forgive me for asking. You don't have to answer if that is none of my business."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Allard Terrick » Fri Sep 01, 2017 7:28 pm

Allard nods. '' The white stag is a symbol of pureness and a good omen to start a quest. But it is probably just a rumour.''

''Ha! Don't worry, milady. I don't mind. '' Allard offered a smile. '' Well, what can I say about Lord Joseth. First of all he is a cousin of mine, he is a strong and impressive man, he made himself a name during the Battle of the Redgrass Field against the Black Dragons, alongside my father who unfortunately died at battle. He is a man that is very concerned about the safety and the prosperity of his House. '' Then Allard lowered a bit his voice. '' And I must say he has done a marvelous job considering that Hawkspray is right between House Frey, House Mallister and the Ironborn. '' He chuckled on the last part.
*Ser *Adult *Dreamer *Honorable *Musician *Normal Looking *Ward *Educated
Status: 3|Description

Melee: Maul, Half-plate, Longsword, Dagger
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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Sat Sep 02, 2017 11:16 am

Kaelyn grinned at his enthusiasm and honesty. "I'm glad to hear you are well treated. It shows in your disposition, Good Ser. I feel that all Lords and Ladies should look after their people. It's nice to hear I'm far from alone in this as my Lord Kevan also treats his people with respect." she was happy to tell him. "I just want to be a good Lady is all, really. I thank you for being so honest."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Allard Terrick » Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:42 pm

'' No problem, milady.'' He offered an encouraging smile to Kaelyn.

'' You are still young, milady, so you still have many years ahead to learn and to become what you wish to be. It is not an easy process as for example I also wish to be considered a 'good man' or a 'good knight'. It is difficult as many of the vows that one is sworn to defend usually contradict one another. It's a hard road the one that we must follow, but it the end it is worthy and rewarding. Or that's what I believe at least.'' He chuckled.
*Ser *Adult *Dreamer *Honorable *Musician *Normal Looking *Ward *Educated
Status: 3|Description

Melee: Maul, Half-plate, Longsword, Dagger
Mounted: Mace, Shield, Dagger, Warlance, Courser, Half-Plate
Other: Noble Garb, Traveller's Garb, 2x Rouncy, Lute

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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:35 am

Kaelyn's eyes softened. "If you are half as kind to those you would protect as you have been with me, I have whole faith that you will be the good knight you're striving toward. After all, from everything I've seen you're already a good man." she assured him sincerely.
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


Carries a dagger, coin, and accompanied by Dahlia, a gyrfalcon. Art

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Re: [LA D2] Observing the Squires' Joust

Post by Allard Terrick » Tue Sep 05, 2017 8:07 pm

'' Ha! I'm glad to hear it. Frankly, sometimes I don't know if what I'm doing with my life is the right path. '' He chuckled. '' But who knows? Only the Seven have all the answers...''
*Ser *Adult *Dreamer *Honorable *Musician *Normal Looking *Ward *Educated
Status: 3|Description

Melee: Maul, Half-plate, Longsword, Dagger
Mounted: Mace, Shield, Dagger, Warlance, Courser, Half-Plate
Other: Noble Garb, Traveller's Garb, 2x Rouncy, Lute


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