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[D4 EE] Exploring

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[D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:19 am

Warryn stood right before the Dornishman, waiting fos his conversation partner to arrive. His thoughts were all over the place, but he tried to gather them as best as possible before she arrived. It was something of an odd place to meet a lady, but she asked for it.
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:28 am

A brilliant smile played over her face. "Lord Wydman!" she happily greeted, curtsying before the handsome Lord. "I'm happy you find me at least entertaining enough to indulge my request."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:31 am

Warryn let out a smal laugh, and gave a small bow. "Now what kind of knight would I be if I were to refuse to escort a young maiden into the den of..." He looked at the Dornishman. "non-righteousness? I guess?" He frowned. "I hope you have been well Lady Dunn, since we spoke?"
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:06 am

Her laugh was musical this time. "I have been well, my Lord. And the "den of non-righteousness" part has been what's kept me at bay. I've been curious about this place but I dare not go in un-escorted. I was hoping you would be my guide this evening."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:11 am

Warryn smiled and offered his arm. "Of course melady. It is a duty befitting a knight." He glanced around at the guards posted. "I am sure it will be fine. Can I ask what a lovely lady like yourself would be interested in such a den?"
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:33 am

She took his arm gladly. There was always a safety in the reminder that you had someone next to you that could protect you. "Would you believe that this is the only place for one to have supper without bothering the servants, and in the company of others? It's also the place I spoke of the day we met. Out back is where you bring them the spoils of a hunt. I wanted to explore the place we might be dining."

She winked at him. "I also play a wicked game of cards."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:31 am

"Oh? Should I be on my guard then, melady?" He smiled as he led the way into the Dornishman. The mood was tense, befitting the last couple of days, but Warryn still strode like he was just walking into a garden. He found a free table, and pulled the chair out for Kaelyn.

"I would believe that, aye. When do you plan to have the hunt, if I may be so bold?"
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 3:51 am

If Kaelyn sensed the mood, she didn't show it. She was fascinated, looking around the simple establishment. To think that such a plain place could be the cause of so many brawls and gossip.

"Thank you." She spoke quietly as the handsome Lord helped her into her seat. "As a matter of fact, you may. I think everyone is free tomorrow afternoon. But I must double check that I am not mistaken. Would that work for you?"
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:54 am

"It should be fine, I have heard of no other plans I should be aware of." He seated himself opposite of her, while flagging one of the servaNts. "The hunt seems like a good idea, I must say. How are things at House Dunn, after yesterday's fiasco, if I may ask?
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 3:59 pm

Kaelyn kept her smile but sighed. She must keep her words measured. "I must admit it's been tense. The untimely loss of Lord Tyrell came as a true shock. Everyone is in a state of mourning. I would have worn black today but I didn't think to bring anything. Short-sighted of me, I suppose. After all, things can obviously happen at a Tourney. That's why I chose to boast the Tyrell colors today."

"The Lord Commander is arriving tomorrow, I believe. We'll have a better handle on things by then."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:55 pm

Warryn nodded. "Aye, I can certainly understand. What happened was a tragedy, I hope it doesn't happen again." He saw one of the waitresses. "Some wine perhaps melady?"

He turned his eyes back towards the Reach woman, taking her in. Pretty. "Oh? That is good news... I've heard grumbling about his absence, so hopefully his presence will improve matters."
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:14 pm

"Thank you, I'd love some." Lord Warryn was turning out to be the absolute right choice for this excursion. He was a true gentleman. "Apparently, his absence was unavoidable but we'll have more information when he arrives." Kaelyn was hopeful she did well in not over-explaining. It had been something her Septa had chided on her more than once.

"Speaking of gossip, I believe I've heard that this is not your first Tourney. Have you competed in many others?"
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:17 pm

Warryn waited for the waitress to pour the wine before answering. "Glad to hear. It's good nothing bad happened." He raised his cup and sipped. Not bad. Not good, but not bad. "Oh? Gossip you say? Would a noble woman indulge in such?" He let out a small laugh. "Some. I am far from a veteran, but I took part in a few tourneys in the Vale. I even met Lord Algood once, there." He smiled. "This is your first tourney?"
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:51 pm

Kaelyn laughed aloud. "No, I actually never believe gossip. And believe it or not, I'm actually quite shy so I don't often hear it." She smelled the wine before taking a sip.

"It is my first. Is it terribly obvious?"
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:54 pm

"No, it isn't. It was a wild guess." Warryn smiled. "You have a nice laugh. Tell me melady, how was it growing up in the Reach?"
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:16 pm

Kaleyn smiled at the compliment. "The Reach has a very forgiving climate. It allows me to do some of the things I love most, like riding. I also do some archery, though I do not claim to be any good at it. I would say I won't hit the person standing behind me, that much I can promise."

"I've read a bit about The Eyrie. Is the rest of the Vale so mountainous?"
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:01 am

Kaelyn Dunn wrote:Kaleyn smiled at the compliment. "The Reach has a very forgiving climate. It allows me to do some of the things I love most, like riding. I also do some archery, though I do not claim to be any good at it. I would say I won't hit the person standing behind me, that much I can promise."

"I've read a bit about The Eyrie. Is the rest of the Vale so mountainous?"

"Riding can be quite nice... unfortunately I can't do as much of that as I'd like back home. We own a narrow stretch of land, it is not idea for long rides sadly." He waved the cup while talking, animatedly. "Aye, mountains surround us. It's quite beautiful, and if you can find the right spot, some say you can see as far as Dorne from there." He let out a laugh as he spoke.
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:56 am

"I would very much like to one day see the Vale. It feels as though I've read so much and seen so little. I know it's not terribly Lady-like but I would love to climb a mountain someday. See the world's splendor in a way that simply can't be done in the Reach." She was dreamily wondering aloud about her books again. She regained composure.

"So if not riding, what do you enjoy doing when you are not training? Escorting and protecting young Ladies from the dangers of taverns, perchance?" She teased.
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:59 am

Warryn withheld a chuckle, not saying a word, just observing Kaelyn as she was lost in thought. "Well, perhaps you could pay a visit in the future Lady Dunn."

He leaned back. "Honestly? Patrol, discuss plans, drink and sing some, and then back to training. We live busy lives, our land is still not fully settled, so there is lots to do. What about you? Besides riding and archery, is there something that catches your attention? Besides nobleman escorting you to taverns, that is." He quickly raised his cup to drink some.
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:26 pm

Kaelyn laughed sincerely again, the smallest blush touching her cheeks. "If that is an invitation, I am honored. I would love to plan a visit to Old Peake in the future."

"As for what I enjoy, I am more than a bit of a reader. You might have picked up on that." She laughed. "I also have a pension for taking care of animals. I have a small Maester's kit that I wind up using mostly on wounded animals; if a bird is hurt, or if one of the horses in the stables needs patching up after a joust..."

"I go hunting with my brother, but I often wind up letting the poor animals go. I see no need for trophies. It's the chase that excites me. That and spending time with my brother. Despite his age, he is one of the best hunters at the Burrow, and has a way with training the Hounds." She sighed. "I suppose I wish more people could look past his scars and see him. He's a miracle; stronger than he knows. Those marks on his face are battle scars that he earned when he was less than 3 years old. I'm proud to be his sister."

The wine was making her ramble and reminding her of the earlier conversation she'd had with her family regarding Tomas. She couldn't say these things to them at the time, but somehow saying them now felt like she was making up for it.
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:42 pm

"Perhaps some time in the future then." He offered vaguely, aware of the problems at home, but unwilling to voice them.

He listened attentively. "A reader, hunter and healer? Oh my, Lady Dunn, your interests are far and wide." His face took a more serious turn as she spoke. "3 years old? From the little I know greyscale is usually deadly. That is remarkable..."his voice was flat though, as he recalled the sight, unwilling to imagine life marked like that.

"He must have a way with animals then. Horses too, or only hounds?" He replied automatically to keep the conversation afloat.
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:53 pm

Kaelyn's eyes sparkled. He spoke about her brother in a positive way and that meant the world to her. "It is, usually. But he managed to fight it off. Of course, the Maesters did what they could to help him but they said that in the end it was Tomas' will to live that saved him. He's a fighter. And yes, he is good with horses as well. Animals in general, actually. Like me." She remembered herself.

"Forgive me, I've been rambling about myself, and I wish to learn more about you. Tell me about when you became Knighted."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Wed Sep 06, 2017 1:03 pm

Warryn felt relieved as the topic changed, the weight from his topic leaving. While it was all nice and good that he was healed... he was also still infected. Or not. But better not to risk it.

"Oh? Nothing of import, really." He put his cup down for now. "I spent my squirehood in the Vale of Arryn, a bit North from our own lands, squiring to one of my.... cousins, I think? From the Arryn family. I attended jousts, learned how to be a knight, what honor means."

He extended a hand to play with his cup. "I was sometimes made fun of... my grandfather was a bastard after all, and man found it funny to say that his horse couldn't handle his weight." He mused to himself.
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Wed Sep 06, 2017 1:15 pm

Kaelyn looked at him quizzically. "I'm afraid I don't understand how that's funny." She shook her head. "But you certainly seem to have learned true valor. You surely earned the right of Knighthood."

She leaned in and smiled. "I was under the impression they served food here. I can feel the wine starting to go to my head as I tend to get especially chatty."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Wed Sep 06, 2017 1:29 pm

Warryn let out a low chuckle. "That was when I was starting out. You see...grandfather was a great man. A great." He gestured to the sides. "man. He was taller than me, even before his death, and he was old by that time. I'm not as great as him, but well... I got a growth spurt." He smirked. "The teasing stopped after a few broken teeth."

He waved to the waitress. "My my Lady Dunn, you are being especially candid tonight. May I feel honored for such honesty?" He asked with a smile.
House Wydman * Andal Warrior* Arrogant Heir * Tourney Knight * Status 3
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