by Kaliya Redding » Tue Sep 05, 2017 8:52 am
Kaliya took a deep draught of her mead and put the cup aside. "Take carre," she warned in a teasing tone, leaning forward, "you arre about to see some terribly scandalous ankles." So saying, she unfastened the boots she had worn, slipping them off to reveal stockinged feet.
Rising, "now, you shall have to use yourr imaginations, because this drress is all wrrong forr the kind of dance I am about to perrforrm." She moved to stand between the three men, closing her eyes for a few moments and humming softly to herself. Slowly, beginning with her wrists, spreading up her arms, she began to make graceful, serpentine movements that turned and undulated like vipers.
And she began to step from side to side, light footfalls that began to trace a pattern that grew more and more complex as she went on. The delicate steps turned her gradually in circle, ensuring that none of the three knights missed a thing as her entire body began to twist and writhe in suggestive, sinuous rhythm.
The dance continued for some time, certainly longer than Warryn's performance. She twisted and twined, bent and stretched, lithe and flexible, her layered skirts rustling with her movements. Until, eventually, her movements slowed, drew back in closer to her body, fading away like the ebbing tide, and she was still once more.