"It has been some time since we've had this many of our kind assembled in one room outside of the Citadel." He looks around, a slight frown on his face, "I only wish that the circumstances surrounding out meeting were more fortuitous but we have to make the best of what we have. Westeros does not end with the death of one man and, as much as it saddens me to say it, we must continue to press on without him."
Although there is a susurrus at his comments, he continues to speak, "I now invite maesters from across the land to speak of matters."
To ease the amount of posting needed and making sure this entire thing gets posted, I'm going to summarize the three largest concerns up front. Characters attending the Conclave are free to post asking more in depth questions and/or have discussions on the topics after this post and we'll assume they happened, primarily, during the appropriate period of time.
A Sickness Spreading
The first maester to speak introduces himself as Maester Orwyl of House Staunton. He is a quiet, almost timid man but he speaks now regardless of the nervousness that has a hold of him. There is, he says, a sickness beginning to spread among the people of the Staunton lands. Where it came from, he is unsure, but it is a vicious sickness, swift and unrelenting. A man, he says, could rise from his bed in perfect health and be dead from the sickness before the sun sets. He speaks of being entirely unsure as to how this sickness spreads; even secluding victims seems to do no good to stem the spread. This sickness, he says, could be a grave danger to Westeros and the maesters must prepare should it spread further...
The first maester to speak introduces himself as Maester Orwyl of House Staunton. He is a quiet, almost timid man but he speaks now regardless of the nervousness that has a hold of him. There is, he says, a sickness beginning to spread among the people of the Staunton lands. Where it came from, he is unsure, but it is a vicious sickness, swift and unrelenting. A man, he says, could rise from his bed in perfect health and be dead from the sickness before the sun sets. He speaks of being entirely unsure as to how this sickness spreads; even secluding victims seems to do no good to stem the spread. This sickness, he says, could be a grave danger to Westeros and the maesters must prepare should it spread further...
A Threat from Across the Sea
The next maester to approach wears a chain of unusual links - Maester Kyle of no particular house bears chains indicating his study of foreign cultures. His dress indicates he is recently returned from the Free Cities, his accent tilted slightly like those across the Narrow Sea as he speaks. Kyle tells of his trip to Tyorsh and of the troubles he has found there - a mercenary company, famed for its loyalty to its contract, has been rumored to be gathering near the Free City. This so called "Golden Company," he says, is made up of the lords exiled after the Blackfyre Rebellion and headed by none other than Aegor Bittersteel himself. He fears that Bittersteel may be ready to enact revenge upon Westeros and may already have friendly agents infiltrating the courts of Westerosi lords...
The next maester to approach wears a chain of unusual links - Maester Kyle of no particular house bears chains indicating his study of foreign cultures. His dress indicates he is recently returned from the Free Cities, his accent tilted slightly like those across the Narrow Sea as he speaks. Kyle tells of his trip to Tyorsh and of the troubles he has found there - a mercenary company, famed for its loyalty to its contract, has been rumored to be gathering near the Free City. This so called "Golden Company," he says, is made up of the lords exiled after the Blackfyre Rebellion and headed by none other than Aegor Bittersteel himself. He fears that Bittersteel may be ready to enact revenge upon Westeros and may already have friendly agents infiltrating the courts of Westerosi lords...
A Civil Crisis
The last maester to speak is none other than Master Wyllfryd, Lord Ashford's maester. He seems worn out and hollow eyed, as if he hasn't slept. He briefly discusses the events of the previous day and how, already, tensions are rising between the Stormlanders and Reachers present at the tournament. For now it's enough that the camps of the two have been set up on opposite sides of the tournament grounds but he doubts that will last for long. The stability of Westeros is imperative, he says, especially in the face of the information presented by the other maesters...
The last maester to speak is none other than Master Wyllfryd, Lord Ashford's maester. He seems worn out and hollow eyed, as if he hasn't slept. He briefly discusses the events of the previous day and how, already, tensions are rising between the Stormlanders and Reachers present at the tournament. For now it's enough that the camps of the two have been set up on opposite sides of the tournament grounds but he doubts that will last for long. The stability of Westeros is imperative, he says, especially in the face of the information presented by the other maesters...