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Considering the Help [D4, MA]

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Considering the Help [D4, MA]

Post by Ulrich Reyne » Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:58 pm

He sat in his tent, pondering what it was that he could do with the hand delt.

His mind shifted towards the Dornish girl from a few days ago. Could he consider marriage with what was to come? It seemed like a heavy burden to place on someone coming in, especially so young.

She would be useful, though, and not just for my own personal needs...having someone who could so easily seduce people would not hurt.

He had time to consider these actions in the days to come. He had other matters to consider. He had summoned Derrick to meet him here, for there was something more to do for the Algoods indirectly. His own objectives would have to wait.

He poured himself some wine and sat down to look over his paperwork. The Lannisters would expect a report soon, after all.

"Might as well get started..."
Middle Age | House Reyne, Traveling with House Algood | Status: 3 | Bio

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Re: Considering the Help [D4, MA]

Post by Derrick » Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:40 pm

The older man didn't have to wait long, Derrick arrived on the scene a short time after the summons was delivered. Commoners didn't keep those on noble stock waiting after all, the young man-at-arms knew that much.

Arriving in front of the tent. He called out to the man inside before attempting to enter. "You called, Ser?"
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

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Re: Considering the Help [D4, MA]

Post by Ulrich Reyne » Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:06 pm

He nodded and proceeded to nodded to one of the servants to let him in. The tent itself was of a simple design for a pavilion tent. Enough of the furniture around to make his stay here somewhat comfortable, as opposed to that on a battlefield, as well as a section for his armor and weaponry.

"Yes, Derrick." He didn't look up from his letter as he first spoke, but continued to write for a few more moments before setting his quill down. "About time I've finally met you, what with your recent reputation here. Winning the tournament, defeating that drunken oaf. Already I can see that the Algoods have had their investment in you already returned." He smiles, motioning to a chair next to his desk. "Please, have a seat."
Middle Age | House Reyne, Traveling with House Algood | Status: 3 | Bio

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Re: Considering the Help [D4, MA]

Post by Derrick » Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:29 am

The young solider stepped inside the tent after he was called, eyes scanning the room for a brief instant. "I was just doing my duty, Ser. Wouldn't even of tried the Squires Joust if Lady Cassana didn't insist."

"Still, thank you." He offered at last before taking the offered seat, curious as to what the man could want."
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

Carries: Dagger, Dirk, Clothes,
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Re: Considering the Help [D4, MA]

Post by Ulrich Reyne » Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:30 pm

He stands up from his seat and moves to look over to him and heads to the wine station, pouring himself a glass before pouring one for himself,

"Would you like some wine?".

Walking down over to him, he sets the wine down next to Derrick and sits in the chair next to him, with or without a second glass. "Lady Cassana, for all of her strengths and flaws, does seemingly have a good eye for talent." He smiles and looks him down. "These tournaments are often not my personal preference, but I've had my eyes open to some new possibilities. Possibilities that could involve you, Derrick." He pauses and sips his wine. He wasn't the best with this sort of stuff, but he did have to learn.

"Tell me, I'm sure you've overheard some things along your travels with the family. What is it that you think I do here during my time here with the Algoods? Be honest; I've fought enough battles to harden my skin."
Middle Age | House Reyne, Traveling with House Algood | Status: 3 | Bio

Typically Carries: Noble's Garments, Dagger

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Re: Considering the Help [D4, MA]

Post by Derrick » Sat Sep 09, 2017 7:34 pm

Derrick really didn't want any wine, it was a bit early in the day, but seeing how the glass was already poured he had little choice but to accept. "Wine would be nice, Milord." The solider replied with a thin smile as the glass was placed before him.

"Possibilities?" He asked, picking up the cup and taking a small sip. It was probably a good vintage, but the young man at arms didn't know much about that.

"You're an overseer, Milord." The entire castle knew that much, or at least those that had been around a while. "You report to the Lannisters about the various things going on in Algood lands."
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

Carries: Dagger, Dirk, Clothes,
On duty: Soft Leather Armor, Longsword, Dirk,
Prepared for war: Scalemail, Long sword, Greatsword, Dirk, Large Shield

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Re: Considering the Help [D4, MA]

Post by Ulrich Reyne » Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:43 pm

"Excellent. You've been paying attention to things." He sips his wine. "So you do understand that, as I speak to you, I speak from a position of neutrality. I cannot be involved with the Algoods in that regard, as that is not my role."

He pauses to let that sink in and chose his next words with consideration. "That being said...if I am in a position to, say, offer advice to the family or someone in their service or if I asked to assist in some small matters, like the combat, for instance, I can do so. I'm not a heartless being, nor a mindless one, after all, and I wish nothing but the successful return of this family."

He glances up and places his wine down. "So, as I speak to you about this topic, I wanted to ensure that you understood the position of which I am doing so." He nod with affirmation and smiles. "Are we clear?"
Middle Age | House Reyne, Traveling with House Algood | Status: 3 | Bio

Typically Carries: Noble's Garments, Dagger

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