With the death of Lord Tyrell, Lord Ashford withdraws from the tournament proper, leaving it to be watched over by Prince Baelor as they await the arrival of Parcival Tyrell. Strangely, he arrives several days earlier than expected, arriving before the end of the tourney. While the final days of the event occur with sullen atmosphere, the new Lord Tyrell speaks in private with a number of people, including the imprisoned Baratheon.
Finally, the day of the trial comes...
What is the outcome of Lyonel Baratheon's trial?
Lord Parcival stands as Lyonel's accuser and the Stag demands trial by combat
Parcival Tyrell wishes to see Lyonel punished for his father's death and stands as the primary accuser for the Laughing Storm. Lord Ashford sits in judgment on the case but, before any words can be said at the trial, Lyonel demands a trial by combat to prove his innocence in the matter. Parcival agrees to stand for himself and the combat is to occur at high noon on the final day of the tourney...
Lord Ashford stands as Lyonel's accuser and the Stag demands trial by combat
It is Lord Ashford who stands and accuses Lyonel of the murder of Leo Tyrell; Parcival seems to have come only to see that justice is done. Prince Baelor sits in judgment on the case and ensures that Lyonel has time to speak - the Laughing Storm admits that while he may have held the lance, it was an accident and the death is not his fault. Lord Ashford is outraged and demands justice be done, insulting the line of the Stag Lords in the process. Lyonel rises to his feet and demands to be able to defend himself in a trial by combat. Prince Baelor, however, decrees Lord Ashford is too old to fight in the trial and must name a champion...
Princes Baelor and Maekar stand as accusers and a Trial of Seven is demanded
Somehow, Baelor and Maekar are convinced to stand as accusers of the Laughing Storm; they argue that the death of the Lord Paramount of the Reach is an attack on the very foundation of Westeros and that this is a royal matter. Although the matter will take more time, Baelor demands the involvement of his father; a raven is dispatched to the king requesting permission for a Trial of Seven. The tournament ends but many houses remain to see the outcome of this turn of events. After some days, the raven returns: a Trial of Seven shall be held with Baelor and Maekar standing as accusers against Lyonel Baratheon...
There is no trial; Lyonel is missing from his cell
The morning of the trial comes... and Lyonel's cell is empty - he and most of his conspirators have vanished over night with no trace. Search parties are dispatched from the castle to track down the fugitives...
There is no trial; Lyonel is found dead in his cell
The morning of the trial comes... and Lyonel's body is found laying on the floor of his cell. There is no sign of a struggle and no visible wounds; the Laughing Storm is simply dead. Baratheon supporters, few as they may be, claim he was murdered - most immediately pack up camp and return to the Stormlands. Prince Baelor orders an investigation into Lyonel's death though Parcival and Lord Ashford are willing to claim it the will of the Seven. Word soon reaches Orys Baratheon of his son's death and he is not a happy man...