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A House Call [D2 ME]

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A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:05 am

The squeak of his wheels heralded his arrival as Oswell pulled up to his patient's door, he was laden with all sorts of supplies, for the information he had received was very vague regarding the nature of the injury to which he was to attend.

"Milady Redding," he softly called from the edge of her pavilion. "It's Maester Oswell, is now a good time?"
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:25 am

"Of courrse, Maesterr Oswell, a moment," Kaliya moved to the door flap and held it aside for him, "thank you forr seeing me." She had changed out of the sunshine yellow dress, upon returning to her pavilion she had found it to be stained with ale, and was now wrapped in a full length ivory-cream silk robe, as modestly as one could be in a bedrobe. She is holding one hand protectively against her body, obvious bruising already discolouring her dusky skin.
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:30 am

Oswell wheels himself into the tent, marginally disappointed by her change in outfit, but his training and professionalism took over at the sight of her minor bruising.

"Thanks are unnecessary milady, I'm sure that I should be the one thanking you." He replied as he placed his bag of utensils and unguents on a nearby surface.

"If the young men around here saw you walking around tomorrow with bruises like that, they'd be falling over each other to avenge the dishonor done to you. My work load would likely quadruple overnight."
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:04 am

Turning one of the chairs at the small table, Kaliya seats herself before the maester. Her robe rustles softly, the sound of fine, diaphanous fabrics moving against each other, below the lower edge of her robe is the hem of something full and soft, and very see through. "And the cunt would deserrve it--" she glanced at Oswell's face in sudden alarm, "I am terribly sorry, maester."
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:03 am

"Sorry for what milady? I don't think you could offend me with off colour language if you tried. You'd be surprised how inventive some of the sailors from the Free Cities can get with their language."

He settles in front of the lady, hands folded gently in hus lap. "Might I presume this is the result of the scuffle down in the meadow earlier? Or is this a targeted attack against a member of our delegation."
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:17 am

"I quite surrely do not know as many blue words as a sailorr, though I did grrow up arround some," Kaliya says with a cheeky smile, "but that is no excuse forr forrgetting my mannerrs."

With a soft sigh, she extended the arm; though it has been twisted badly, it was unlikely anything was broken or dislocated, just badly swollen. "You may prresume; I fearr one of the louts noticed," she indicated vaguely to herself, "and took offence."
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:46 am

"The brute." Oswell exclaimed in anger. "Laying hands on a lady in such a way. There is no cause for it."

Reaching to place one hand beneath her elbow and another atop her shoulder, Oswell held Kaliya's gaze for a moment. "I apologize in advance for any discomfort this may cause, but I must fully assess the injury to ensure that we take the right path of treatment."
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:07 am

Her posture was straight and proper, but she lifted her chin slightly, "as you must, maesterr," though she turned her face away as he commenced his examination. With another sigh, "of course you are rright, once more, when therre are so many lovely ways to touch a woman."
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:52 pm

Oswell had the good manners to blush at Kaliya's comment. "That there are milady." He replies as he tests her range of motion, gently at first but eventually pushing her to the point of pain just to be certain of the extent of the damage done to her.

Healing: Diagnosis with 4 degrees of success

"I'm surprised there isn't a Maester's chain devoted to the study, there seems to be for practically everything else."
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:07 pm

She did not see him blush, looking away as if it would lessen the pain not to have to see. Grimacing as he manipulated the joint, "maesterr, would you considerr me terribly rrude if I asked about yourr chairr?"
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:14 pm

"As a man of learning there are very few questions I would consider rude milady. Ask me what you will and if it be within my ability to answer, I shall share what I know." Oswell replies with a chipper tone as he gently lays Kaliya's hand in her lap, his hands brushing across her covered thighs as he moves position slightly to rummage through his bag for some supplies.
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:35 pm

The brush of his hands over the silk raises a soft murmur from the Dornish woman, but she continues to look away. "I suppose I must begin with the obvious, but why arre you confined to the chairr?"
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:45 pm

"Someone in the House hasn't heard the story?" He replies with a chuckle as he extricates a small vial and roll of bandages and turns his attention back to his patient.

"I swear when I arrived it seemed like all anyone was talking about. Well to keep it brief when I was young there was an accident when I was watching my Lord's men tearing down a house after a fire had made it too unstable to be habitable. One of the blocks fell awkwardly and struck me in the back and my legs haven't worked ever since."

"What of you milady? May I ask how such a 'desert rose' came into the service of one of the most outspoken proponents of anti-Dornish propaganda in the Seven Kingdoms?"
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Tue Aug 29, 2017 12:16 am

Of all the people she had made time with, the maester was the first to ask her that. "My cousin married a Marrcherr," she purred, "I had rridden norrth with herr as a lady-in-waiting." The maester's ministrations were not painful, in fact they were quite soothing, and she turned to look at Oswell once more, weighing how much detail to include. "Nobody expected that I would be wed off, but I was, shorrtly afterrwarrd."
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Tue Aug 29, 2017 12:23 am

Oswell's mind whirred. Kaliya was clearly a sexual predator, the proximity of tents in the compound left little doubt of that in his mind, and she had been part of the House since before he arrived three years ago.

Given she looked barely old enough to have had her twentieth birthday that meant...

"You must've been quite young." He questioned as he gently massaged the paste into her arm, noting the give and take of her muscles as he did so, and perhaps lingering a little longer than necessary on his treatment. "I hope that the passing of your husband wasn't too hard on you, it would be shame for such a long and promising future to be hamstrung by regrets from the past."
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:26 am

Again, that unconscious murmur of pleasure softly purred in her throat, the gentle massage should have relaxed her, but the topic at hand was building a stressful tension around her neck and shoulders. "I was fourrteen, maesterr." Lord Redding had died less than two years ago, but the knight had ailed for almost as long as that before meeting his end, and it was unlikely that Oswell had ever encountered the man.
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:32 am

The tensing of Kaliya's muscles wasn't lost on Oswell and he sighed in disappointment at the effect his words had inflicted upon her.

"So young, too young to be caught in such a spiders web." He whispers softly as he places Kaliya's hand upon his own shoulder for balance. Sliding his hands a little higher on his patient, past upper arm, and over shoulder to reach the young woman's collar bone and trapezius in an attempt to ease the tension he had unwittingly inflicted upon her.
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:19 am

Kaliya shifted in her chair, bedrobe and nightgown rustling delicately, that the maester might more easily reach the muscles he sought to target. "The memorries are none too pleasant. Lord Rredding was alrready an old man, a widowerr. He had no childrren and wanted none. He had no use for any wife, let alone one so young."
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:24 am

"Family is important," Oswell agreed. "Does milady wish for a large family? If she were to find a man who touched her heart enough to prove himself worthy of her?"

His legs may not work but his fingers were nimble as they glided over Kaliya's skin. Over three decades of study on the subject of anatomy had given him an encyclopaedic knowledge of all the body's pressure points and muscle groups.
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:43 am

Kaliya unabashedly moaned, enjoying the precision of his touch, but it came in frustrating counterpoint to his questioning. "You have been speaking with ourr Lorrd Heirr," she said peevishly, recalling Kevan's words from earlier in the day. "I am still young enough to bearr a child orr thrree should my futurre husband desirre," she doesn't add her opinion that what she wanted was irrelevant to the matter.
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:50 am

Clumsily manoeuvring behind his patient, Oswell shifted his hands to the nape of Kaliya's neck and top of her spine taking the obvious moan he had heard from many a maiden before as a sign of approval to proceed.

"Not since yesterday," he replied as he thought on her response with a chuckle. Leaning forward to whisper softly in her ear and taking in the scent of her hair and her skin to be recalled and relived in his tent later.

"But I find it hard to believe that I've found the only submissive Dornish woman in the land to acquiesce to her husbands desires without imposing some of her own? As a young and beautiful woman, I'm sure you have some desires and designs on your own future after all."
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:03 am

"Maesterr, please," she had belatedly pleaded, "you had only need ask, I would have moved." But she felt no shame in how she reacted before, and she wasn't about to start now, letting the soft moans cascade from her lips as he targeted the knots more directly.

She was not in the least surprised to feel his breath on her ear, to hear him whisper; though the nature of his words seemed slightly out of step with the physical sensations. Oswell's words found their target, and Kaliya bridled, "submissive?" should I bite and kick like an unbrroken filly the first time she feels the saddle on herr back?"

"Orr instead should I rroll in the meadow while it is sprring and the sun is warrm on my skin?"
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:17 am

"Nothing so obvious," he chided gently. "I'm sure you can be quite persuasive in topping from the bottom as it were. I would fully expect you to make the most of the Spring while it lasts and find a way to cling to the warmth in the long Winter as well."

Deciding he was talking a little much, he let his hands to the speaking and applied a little more pressure to Kaliya's neck, a warm, squeezing (if brief) tightness across her airway.
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Kaliya Redding » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:26 am

When the maester fell quiet, Kaliya did not attempt to bridge the gap with words. The silence had already been filled with the sighing moans that rose and fell in gentle waves, the sharp intake of breath when he released her throat, the way her breath trembled on her lips when she exhaled again.
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Re: A House Call [D2 ME]

Post by Maester Oswell » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:33 am

"Now to complete my examination." Oswell growled insistently in her ear after her obvious reaction and excitement. "Bed, now. Doctor's orders."
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