by Wylla Terrick » Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:32 pm
Wylla let out a colorful giggle at that, her smile growing a little more lively as she turned her body to properly face the man, leaving a hand on her hip from his counter, to display the social wounding.
"There is nothing wrong either endless passion either, my clever friend. I'll have to call it childish ambition, but I have a respect for that to say the least. But this, I believe is what separates the men and the women. You are taught to claim the world, bend it to thy will and to hell with the consequences. It is the duty of your wife to make mend all the tearing you do in the act~ My fancies are dreams and far reaching desires. A dream which becomes reality was never a dream at all, but merely a goal. I understand my limitations, even as I hope to break through them. It is simple reality."
Second Daughter of Terrick (Adult)
Status 3
Attractive, Famous (Riverside Fairy), Blind
Wylla is almost always accompanied by the elderly Gouren Pyke.