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A Detour [M2]

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A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:12 pm

Kevan took a long way to the lists, through the market. Not that he wanted to buy anything, though he allowed the possibility of something catching his eye, but to collect his thoughts prior to the challenges of the day. His father's absence weighed heavily on his thoughts, but he kept his upbeat expression for the sake of appearances.
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Wylla Terrick » Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:07 pm

Wylla would find herself within the market, as she was being guided through the crowd of people. Her retainer letting her see a few of the various stalls, though little of it really attracted her attention. She needed to see a proper craftsman for anything of a quality she would accept, and had far too little time for anything else. Holding her coin purse to her chest, she'd purchase a snack from one of the vendors, a small thing just out of politeness, sighing a bit as she 'savored' the unique flavor. With all the bustle, she'd have no real way of noticing the lord from the day prior at all.
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:14 pm

But he did notice her; he had a penchant for picking out beautiful women from the crowd. From a healthy distance, he called. "Lady Terrick, it's good to meet you again on this fine day, Any interesting wares?"
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Wylla Terrick » Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:08 pm

Wylla bared out a happy smile as she heard a familiar voice, holding up the remains of her snack for a moment. "I suppose I would call them more... different, for myself. The culture here isn't quite like home, after all. But a guest should always be respectful." And with that she'd take her final bite, closing her eyes as she finished the bit.
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:12 pm

"Alien customs and artifacts need not be estranging. Perhaps, as a Reachman, I could be of some help?" Kevan smirked, approaching her to a proper distance.
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Wylla Terrick » Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:13 pm

Wylla smirked a bit, moving to step away from Gouren, , and properly approach Kevan with surprising amount of grace for not being able to see his exact location. "When I visit a new city or town, I try to purchase a variety of memories from this place. Jewels I can adorn onto fashionable outfits, or something I can smell or feel to help bring back interesting memories."
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:32 pm

"And what do your senses and whims compel you to acquire here in Ashford to make your stay memorable?" Kevan chuckled, observing Wylla's face. It was not very expressive but still quite beautiful.
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Wylla Terrick » Tue Aug 29, 2017 9:22 pm

"Of this, I am not yet certain. I have time still, and I hope to acquire something that will help me look fondly on this journey." The woman sighed, as she shook her head a bit. "What brings you here, scouting out materials or smiths?"
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:35 pm

"Just a path that is not a direct one. I sometimes need a detour to keep my legs occupied while I think." He mused. "But that means I am free to aid you in your perusals for articles of clothing or accessories. I may not be having the greatest fashion sense but I can describe what I see with accuracy."
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Wylla Terrick » Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:34 pm

"I see~ I did not believe you were one who moved without purpose, Lord Dunn. If you are willing to dispose of your time so carelessly, I shall be certain to put you to good use. I have little idea of what I intend to purchase, but with your company, I am certain we can aquire a trinket or gem unique to the area."
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:56 pm

"Don't bee too concerned about my purposefulness, Lady Terrick." He retorted, smirking. "Open does not mean clueless. Let's go. I see a jeweller's sign down this road." He took note of whether she could follow him based on where his voice were or whether she needed being physically directed.
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Wylla Terrick » Sat Sep 02, 2017 4:43 pm

Wylla giggled a little, as she'd move to follow after. She seemed quite adept at following a voice, though released from Gouren her steps were a touch slower, and she kept a hand out at each side slightly apart, so she might react to a sudden jostling. She would manage well enough, even maintaining conversation.

"Perhaps they can fashion something lovely, though I doubt it will be so easy to obtain a memory."
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Sat Sep 02, 2017 5:51 pm

"What does it usually take to obtain a memory? An event related to the gem?" He chuckled. "For the record, I humbly accept the fact that my presence is not enough to make this endeavour memorable."
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Wylla Terrick » Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:04 pm

"That is the tricky part. I find the world is hardly a simple place, a memory can be bound to something simple or elaborate all the same. Looking for trinkets is my excuse to get away from my responsibilities for a short period and perhaps locate something interesting. Though, I would say your presence makes my days a bit more memorable at least."
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:48 am

"Well, being a partial solution or incentive is better than nothing." Kevan laughed. "I understand this view that it can be anything, but it's good to start from somewhere. Pray tell, do you have a favourite gemstone?"
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Wylla Terrick » Tue Sep 05, 2017 2:46 pm

Wylla would raise a hand showing some kind of amethyst... it was smooth enough,, with subtle facets pushed into the gem, letting light slight off of it, and providing a bit of a unique texture to itself. It was not excessively large for a ring, but on delicate small hands like that of Wylla it could surely seem as such.

"I enjoy interesting things, above all else."
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 2:54 pm

"Things, not people? Or people can't be interesting enough?" He teased, observing the gemstone. "Well, this is something of your colour, something within comfort zone, impressive but pre-selected for conforming with the seamless demeanour. Nothing inherently surprising or revealing beyond the fact that you like to be in control and keep things close to your chest, Lady Terrick." He glanced at the chest on impulse, albeit briefly. Somehow staring at a blind girl's graces felt abusive. "Now, a ruby would be a statement."
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Wylla Terrick » Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:28 pm

"People always feel a bit more predictable~ What they want is usually laid out for them in simple ways. That isn't a bad thing. Knowing what you want is extremely attractive. But it isn't hard to figure out. As far as the nature of the stone itself, you are correct in that I didn't select much more than the feel of it. I'm certain that the color and style conform to my upbringing, and my people bring me things that should match well with it. Specific styles of them, outside of their price, don't help much with making a statement for me."
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:54 pm

"So you already know what I want? That'd be quite prodigal to discern." Kevan chuckled."Texture and warmth of a given gem are probably still relevant though?"
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Wylla Terrick » Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:13 pm

"You are a man, the heir to nobility, of a land which has needs. What you want, Lord Dunn... I think we can both accept that it would be fairly obvious, would it not?" Wylla grinned as she spoke, running a hand along the ring she'd shown before. "And yes, each gem is a bit unique, though I'd be pressed if you were to ask me specifics."
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:29 pm

"So you assume people are just their hereditarily ingrained interests? How curious." He let out a small chuckle again, watching her play with the ring. "Oh, I wouldn't want to press you, my lady. Still, perhaps you'd like to touch some of the works of this fine jeweller to check if something appeals to your sense?"
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Wylla Terrick » Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:00 pm

"Oh no, Lord Dunn. People have many more complexities which each makes them a unique individual. I imagine you would be very surprised to find the things which I desire in this world. No, no... the problem is that needs are also a desire, but one that takes precedent. Even as I might lust for something or another... my needs far outstrip childish whims. And thus, I become simple, focused. If you are truly a man, and not a boy wishing to be a man, I believe you would be much the same."
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:23 pm

"I don't agree with you, Lady Terrick. A man does not repress his desires to make room for those of his house. He finds the way to align them with one another, for this makes up the strength that fuels his accomplishments. Ignoring those drives is like putting stones in your pocket before the run." He smirked. "Your fancies must be quite outlandish if you can't find a place for them in the bigger plans despite your brilliance and wit." A tease for a tease.
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Wylla Terrick » Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:32 pm

Wylla let out a colorful giggle at that, her smile growing a little more lively as she turned her body to properly face the man, leaving a hand on her hip from his counter, to display the social wounding.

"There is nothing wrong either endless passion either, my clever friend. I'll have to call it childish ambition, but I have a respect for that to say the least. But this, I believe is what separates the men and the women. You are taught to claim the world, bend it to thy will and to hell with the consequences. It is the duty of your wife to make mend all the tearing you do in the act~ My fancies are dreams and far reaching desires. A dream which becomes reality was never a dream at all, but merely a goal. I understand my limitations, even as I hope to break through them. It is simple reality."
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Re: A Detour [M2]

Post by Kevan Dunn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:27 pm

"Oh, so it is my sex now that explains the inferiority of my drives? There is no easy way around this, now is it?" He laughed, genuinely amused, paying some attention to where her hand's placement was leading his gaze. "I don't feel too apologetic about my impulses and ambitions, and my audacity to claim what I think should be mine. And while I can agree that that constitutes a predicament if left unbalanced, there is a logical solution to it, to use my desire and drive to a secure just the right spouse that would even the scales with her thoughtfulness, graduality, awareness and caution." He clicked his tongue. "My experience might not be that of a maester or not yet of a husband, but I can tell I am fairly certain of one thing, that in the end most women don't mind in the slightest their men being manlike."
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