by Kevan Dunn » Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:22 pm
The 'we' didn't escape his notice and filled his heart with joy; knowing that thoughts of being together and coping with whatever Gods threw in their way together were coming to her as often as to him was relishing and reaffirming that he was deeply falling for a woman truly after his own heart. Observing her was a delight in itself and while bold thoughts were not far away from his impression of her, there was a lot more to it than a physical draw. His mind was putting her form against various backgrounds; right now on the bow of a ship to Lys, with her raven hair tugged on by the winds of the Narrow Sea. Being a part of her life, and her of his, was, perhaps oddly, satisfying a prospect in itself.
He knelt to form a circle from cones and twigs, half-consciously making a seven-pointed star as a tribute to the Seven who let Arwyn's and his paths cross, but it soon got overlain by bigger pieces of wood. "I wouldn't say a trip across the Narrow Sea is unthinkable. I haven't been to the Free Cities but I have read a bit of the Old Valyria and Aegon's Conquest, so I at least associate their names with something."
Heir to the Burrow (Status 4) * Squire * Good-natured * Boisterous * Seeking Knighthood * Profile
Has: Knightly Kit, Signet Ring, Tymagon