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Vice and Virtues (Day 3 Late Afternoon)

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Vice and Virtues (Day 3 Late Afternoon)

Post by Derrick » Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:50 am

Derrick was doing a bit of shopping again, though not for the same things he had been earlier today. He figured on gettign a couple bottles of wine, perhaps a bit of bread or other snacks two if he could find someone selling. though the later was more his stomach talking then anything else.

The main point of his visit though was to try and find an armorer, his leather had taken a few hard hits today, and the damage was more he could take care f on his own, so he decided to see if there was something someone else could do.
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

Carries: Dagger, Dirk, Clothes,
On duty: Soft Leather Armor, Longsword, Dirk,
Prepared for war: Scalemail, Long sword, Greatsword, Dirk, Large Shield

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Re: Vice and Virtues (Day 3 Late Afternoon)

Post by Cassana Algood » Sat Sep 02, 2017 7:49 pm

"What could you possibly be searching for after a bout like that?" Cassana appraised him and then let out a soft sigh. "To be honest, I do not know how you kept moving there.'
Young Adult | House Algood | Status: 3 | Attractive

Typically Carries: Noble's Garments, Dagger

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Re: Vice and Virtues (Day 3 Late Afternoon)

Post by Derrick » Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:21 pm

He really wasn't expecting to see Lady Cassana here, but when she arrived he offered her a stiff bow. "A bit of wine, and someone who can look over my armor." He frowned slightly.

"It's seen better days then today... " A small frown crossed his features. "The hits weren't as bad as they looked, I bled quite a bit. Mostly I'm fine though."
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

Carries: Dagger, Dirk, Clothes,
On duty: Soft Leather Armor, Longsword, Dirk,
Prepared for war: Scalemail, Long sword, Greatsword, Dirk, Large Shield

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Re: Vice and Virtues (Day 3 Late Afternoon)

Post by Cassana Algood » Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:40 pm

"I think you may not be stating fully how bad your wounds were, Derrick." She let out a soft sigh. "But at least you are not dead."
Young Adult | House Algood | Status: 3 | Attractive

Typically Carries: Noble's Garments, Dagger

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Re: Vice and Virtues (Day 3 Late Afternoon)

Post by Derrick » Sat Sep 02, 2017 9:31 pm

"I did get quite a few stitches." It wasn't quite an apology. Honestly it was closer to an explanation then anything. "It's one of the reasons I'm buying wine. My dad says It's good for you when you lose a lot of blood."

There was a small pause. "I'll try to be more careful though, Milady."
House Algood * Man-at-arms * Young Adult * Status 2 *

Carries: Dagger, Dirk, Clothes,
On duty: Soft Leather Armor, Longsword, Dirk,
Prepared for war: Scalemail, Long sword, Greatsword, Dirk, Large Shield

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