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[D4 EE] Exploring

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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:00 pm

Kaelyn smiled and averted her eyes before meeting Lord Wydman's again. "I always try to be honest, but I am likely being more direct than I am typically. I'm entirely sure it's due to the company, so yes, take it as a compliment."

"As to your grandfather, I'm sure you will be as great as you say he was. You are certainly on the right path. You have a gallantry about you."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:49 pm

"I feel honored then, melady." He smiled, then turned to the waitress. "Some roast chicken, if you would. Is it good for you?" She turned to Kaelyn.

When the waitress was gone, he smiled back at her. "Well, I'd need at least another five inches to be great as him, but I hope I can live up to him... somehow. He won five bouts in a row in one day. I won one and lost one in two days." His mood darkened at the thought.
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:04 pm

"Are you not already over six feet? You must be. Very much taller and you might miss conversations going on down below you!" She couldn't have such a handsome, noble person feeling badly about themselves in her presence if she could help it.

"Granted, I know very little when it comes to jousting but it seems as though skill is not all that counts. Sometimes it looks like good or bad luck. If the horse is distracted, for instance. Yesterday, Lord Tyrell died. It does not seem like the measure of a man comes from the number of men he unseats. Besides, as heir you can't spend the entirety of your days devoted to training. You are a better Lord than that. I can tell." At some point she had placed her hand delicately over his own, and she drew it back when she was finished.
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:55 pm

Warryn laughed. "I did enjoy running between grandfather's legs when I was but a wee lad." He indicated his height with his hand.

"That is true.... still, I feel I should have done better." He placed his hand on the table. "Aye, you're right. It would be fun to go from tourney to tourney to tourney, but there are more important things that need doing." He looked right into Kaelyn's eyes, and smiled. "You seem to know me well lady Dunn."
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:59 pm

"Well, if I ever presume too much, do tell me. But the way you were with the men during our meeting, and from what I have sporadically seen throughout the Tourney... Horrible Lords don't inspire the devotion and friendship of those that fight for them. One can see it's a duty and not done out of anything more than that. You know and jest with your men, and they have your true interest at heart. That's how I know." She paused to take a sip of wine.

"Or am I wrong and you're a terrible brute with a dreadful temper..." Kaelyn would have continued listing poor qualities but she was laughing and couldn't keep it going.
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:11 pm

Warryn smiled. "No, you don't Lady Dunn." He smiled with his eyes too. He suddenly raised his hand, brought it down!!!!!

And patted Kaelyn's hands gently. "No, that is not me, melady." He sighed. "I know the sacrifices my men make, and I need to respect that, to have their own respect. It is the only way I know to lead."
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:26 pm

"Forgive me my loose tongue, I don't normally behave so informally. I fully intend to blame the atmosphere and the wine. I have hope you'll fib and tell everyone I was the perfect Lady." She made a show of pushing the wine at the end of her reach as the meals arrived.

"I have read of many Lords that ruled through nothing but fear and fell as a result. Their men saw them as a cause not worth dying for. Mutual respect and friendship alters matters entirely. What was that I read...? 'Men will fight their hardest not to die but fight twice harder still for their freedom.'" Her smile had tamed itself but was still there. "I'd imagine fighting for someone you don't believe in feels like a prison. And if attacked, they could see it as a way out to simply surrender."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:07 pm

Kaelyn Dunn wrote:"Forgive me my loose tongue, I don't normally behave so informally. I fully intend to blame the atmosphere and the wine. I have hope you'll fib and tell everyone I was the perfect Lady." She made a show of pushing the wine at the end of her reach as the meals arrived.

"I have read of many Lords that ruled through nothing but fear and fell as a result. Their men saw them as a cause not worth dying for. Mutual respect and friendship alters matters entirely. What was that I read...? 'Men with fight their hardest not to die but fight twice harder still for their freedom.'" Her smile had tamed itself but was still there. "I'd imagine fighting for someone you don't believe in feels like a prison. And if attacked, they could see it as a way out to simply surrender."

Warryn pushed the wine back towards the Reachwoman. "But of course! A true knight will always lie for a noble woman." He looked at his own plate. "Well... I know our men risk their lives for us every day, I need to make sure they have a good reason for that." He frowned. "Ruling through fear... it is a weak and cowardly thing to do."
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:23 pm

"I thank you for your willingness to cover for me lest word of my transgressions spread through Ashford." She smiled at Warryn again.

"I should probably explain that I think of these things only because I wish to be a good Lady when the time comes. I want to make sure people are happy, and warm, and not starving. But I can't do all of that from the position of a Lady. What I can do is talk with people. Make my presence known, and try to let them know I respect them. Any husband I have will have larger responsibilities than I will by far, but I'd like to think I can contribute something aside from keeping the house in order."

"Does that sound terribly naive of me?" She sincerely wondered about his opinion.
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Thu Sep 07, 2017 8:13 am

Kaelyn Dunn wrote:"I thank you for your willingness to cover for me lest word of my transgressions spread through Ashford." She smiled at Warryn again.

"I should probably explain that I think of these things only because I wish to be a good Lady when the time comes. I want to make sure people are happy, and warm, and not starving. But I can't do all of that from the position of a Lady. What I can do is talk with people. Make my presence known, and try to let them know I respect them. Any husband I have will have larger responsibilities than I will by far, but I'd like to think I can contribute something aside from keeping the house in order."

"Does that sound terribly naive of me?" She sincerely wondered about his opinion.

Warryn drank some of his wine, taking his time to respond. "I think you are a bit naive." He put the cup down. "A good lady can do more than that. She holds sway over her husband, and over her family. She can direct them to how best lead. All good leaders need advisers, and if a man's foremost adviser is not his wife, than that is not a fortuitous marriage, in my opinion."
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:21 am

Many Ladies would be insulted or upset by honest criticism. Kaelyn was neither of these things. There were certain things in life one could read about, and others one needed to be learned from those more experienced. Kaelyn appreciated honesty, and was excited to inquire more.

"I've always known that I would guide my children, and hopefully do it well. But I was taught not to expect my husband to seek my advice in matters of politics and holdings. I suppose I assumed that if a man did seek my opinions on great matters, I'd be lucky. It's part of why I read so much. I may not be able to spot a lie, but I have a good memory. If my husband were to ask about such things, I'd be able to give him voices of experience where my own is lacking."

She looked down. "Forgive me. There's allowing myself to be at ease, and then there is crossing a line. Talk of the roles of husbands and wives is probably not what you were expecting in a tavern."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:46 am

Kaelyn Dunn wrote:Many Ladies would be insulted or upset by honest criticism. Kaelyn was neither of these things. There were certain things in life one could read about, and others one needed to be learned from those more experienced. Kaelyn appreciated honesty, and was excited to inquire more.

"I've always known that I would guide my children, and hopefully do it well. But I was taught not to expect my husband to seek my advice in matters of politics and holdings. I suppose I assumed that if a man did seek my opinions on great matters, I'd be lucky. It's part of why I read so much. I may not be able to spot a lie, but I have a good memory. If my husband were to ask about such things, I'd be able to give him voices of experience where my own is lacking."

She looked down. "Forgive me. There's allowing myself to be at ease, and then there is crossing a line. Talk of the roles of husbands and wives is probably not what you were expecting in a tavern."

Warryn ate while Kaelyn spoke. "Well, I cannot say I do not understand that opinion. Some marriages..." he shrugged. "Do not work out well. Personal experience. But an ideal one? It would be folly to disregard each other's advice. I mean, one does not only marry for a pretty face and a weighty dowry." He smiled at Kaelyn as he spoke. "And feel free to be at ease, and truthfully, I wasn't sure what to expect when I offered to escort a noble lady into a seedy tavern."
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Thu Sep 07, 2017 10:07 am

Kaelyn's voice lilted into a laugh. "I imagine it's not a request made often. But if I haven't yet thanked you for it properly, I do so now. It's truly appreciated, my Lord." she bowed her head properly.

"Your comment on what marriage is for surprises me, I have to confess. It's contrary to what I've been told my entire life. What my dowry might lack in volume to some Lords, I must make up for with beauty. That along with impeccable etiquette and manners. So to hear a Lord say that he'd like more to it... I suppose it's both eye opening and refreshing."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:36 pm

"No need for thanks melady, it is the duty of a knight to be chivalrous." He gazed into her eyes, a small smirk playing at his lips.

"Well, I am happy to provide a surprise. I... was married once. She passed." He glanced away. "While it is an unfortunate event, it did help me realize what is it that I am looking for in a wife. And if I can help it, she will bring more worth than a pretty face."
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:54 pm

Kaelyn's face turned to one of true sympathy. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I wouldn't have even thought to bring up the subject if I had." She put her hand on his, "You are chivalrous and many other things any Lady would be lucky to have in her life. I'm sure when the time is right you'll find what you're looking for." She withdrew her hand from his - it wasn't meant to be a flirtation or a suggestion that he take her. She hoped that came across.

"So tell me more of the Vale. I've never been to the Eyrie. Is it really so difficult to get in?"
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Thu Sep 07, 2017 3:24 pm

Kaelyn Dunn wrote:Kaelyn's face turned to one of true sympathy. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I wouldn't have even thought to bring up the subject if I had." She put her hand on his, "You are chivalrous and many other things any Lady would be lucky to have in her life. I'm sure when the time is right you'll find what you're looking for." She withdrew her hand from his - it wasn't meant to be a flirtation or a suggestion that he take her. She hoped that came across.

"So tell me more of the Vale. I've never been to the Eyrie. Is it really so difficult to get in?"

Warryn shrugged. "Thank you, but I had time to move on. Or rather, I hadn't time for it... there was always something to do." He sighed, and drank some of his wine, enjoying her touch for now. "Thank you for your well wishes melady." He put his cup down next. "Aye... it is a treacherous mountain, guarded by its own cliffs. Taking it under siege is folly and deadly... but the view is amazing."
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Thu Sep 07, 2017 8:30 pm

"Well I firmly promise, here and now, to never lay siege to the castle if that is the case." She nodded firmly before grinning. She was desperate to cover her faux pas mentioning marriage. But someday I may try to visit to see the view on your recommendation. I'd truly like to see some of the world. So many don't due to travel being difficult and exhausting. But I'd like to think I'd manage."

She took another few bites of her food, wiping her mouth with the napkin. She was far from ready to abandon all of her manners even if she was speaking openly and more animatedly than usual. She truly did blame the wine. "Is there anywhere you desire to see?"
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Warryn Wydman » Thu Sep 07, 2017 8:35 pm

"Well, now I'm glad to hear that Warlady Kaelyn will not lay siege." He smirked, and relaxed as well. "You have the enthusiasm for it, certainly."

He bit down on his own food, before answering. "I am... not sure. I was interested in the Reach, and now I get to see it. Perhaps the Stormlands, to see the famed storms?"
House Wydman * Andal Warrior* Arrogant Heir * Tourney Knight * Status 3
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Re: [D4 EE] Exploring

Post by Kaelyn Dunn » Thu Sep 07, 2017 8:55 pm

"Well, between you and I," she leaned in, a hushed voice taking over so they would not be overheard, "this is not my favorite part of the Reach." She leaned back. "Another secret I hope you'll keep for me. Ashford has been enlightening and I have nothing to complain about as far as the entertainments provided. I just wish we could see more of the planting fields, and The Arbor is a singular vision. Not to mention the festival the night of the Harvest Moon. Nobles have a masquerade at High Garden that is quite the spectacle."

"As for storms, I'm not at my best during them. When the thunder hit here, I waited the whole thing out in my tent, praying the whole thing wouldn't come crashing down." she laughed at herself. "As it turns out, the storm was the least of our worries..." She shook her head determined not to dampen the mood.

"I have seen Dorne, and the Riverlands. But if I could go anywhere, I'd like to cross the narrow sea. Use some of the Valyrian I know. Any of the free cities, although I've read Qarth boasts to be 'The greatest city there ever was or will be.' I'd like to see if they live up to their claims."
Kaelyn of House Dunn; Staus 2, an Attractive yet Naive Young Adult of 16. Daughter of Loras and Elyse Dunn, sister to Tomas Flowers.


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